County Commissioners of the two counties, be awarded the con-
tract for constructing and building said bridge, upon comply-
Bids to be
ing with the provisions of the following sections, provided,
however, that the said County Commissioners jointly shall have
power to reject all of said bids and re-advertise for the same as
above provided.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the person or persons or
corporation to whom the aforesaid contract shall have been
Contract in
awarded shall enter into a contract in writing with said County
Commissioners of the said counties jointly such as shall be
prepared by said County Commissioners for the building of
said bridge, and shall enter into bond to said County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County and said County Commis-
sioners of Anne Arundel County jointly in such penalty and
with surety to be approved by them, conditioned for the faith-
ful execution of said contract ; that said contract and said bond
shall be executed in duplicate; one of said duplicate contracts
and bonds to be filed with and approved by the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County and the other duplicates to be
Bonds to be
filed with and approved by the County Commissioners of Anne
Arundel County. And upon failure of said contractor to ex-
ecute said contract and file his. their or its bond as herein
provided within ten days from the day said award was made,
the said Commissioners may proceed as hereinbefore as if said
award had not been made, or in their discretion may award
said contract to the next lowest bidder under the first adver-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That no contract for the building
of said bridge shall be entered into by the said County Com-
Skilled bridge
missioners with any person, persons or corporation, except
engineer to
have charge.
upon the condition that the contract shall be executed in every
particular under the supervision, direction and control of an
experienced and skilled bridge engineer, and the said County
Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to contract
with and employ a competent engineer to supervise, direct and
control the building and construction of said bridge according
to the plans and specifications hereinbefore provided.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the cost of constructing and
building said bridge and the abutments and the future main-
Cost of con-
tenance thereof, as also the expenses incident thereto, in-
cluding the pay of the supervising engineer, shall be com-
puted and one-third of the same borne by Baltimore County
and the other two-thirds by Anne Arundel County, but the
roadways and approaches thereto from either county shall be