AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
18 of Article 42 of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Habeas Corpus," sub-title "Procedure in Relation to
Minors," as re-enacted by Act of 1900, Chapter 306.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 18 of Article 42 of the Code of Public
General Laws, tilte "Habeas Corpus," sub-title "Procedure
in Relation to Minors," as re-enacted by Act of 1900, Chapter
306, is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
18. A minor may be committed to a juvenile institution
for care and guardianship —
1. If the minor is without any proper place of abode or
proper guardianship, or is neglected or ill-treated by his or
Care and guar-
her parent, guardian or other custodian, or such parent, guar-
dian or other custodian, by reason of poverty, is unable to
support and care for such minor.
2. If it clearly appears that such minor is vicious or de-
Vicious minors
praved or suffering through the neglect, bad habits or vicious
conduct of his or her parent, guardian or other custodian,
and his or her parent, guardian or other custodian is unable
or unwilling to exercise proper control over him or her, and
the welfare of such minor, as well as the peace and good
order of society require such commitment. A court of record,
a judge thereof, or a Justice of the Peace may commit such
minor to a juvenile institution, incorporated under the laws of
this State, to be kept until twenty-one years of age in the case
of both male and females, unless sooner discharged by such in-
stitution, or by due course of law; and such court or officer
Commitment to
a juvenile
may require such minor to be brought before him or it upon a
warrant, or commit without a previous warrant if such minor
can be brought or is present without it, or is of such tender
age, or the circumstances are otherwise such that a warrant
should be dispensed with; and all courts and officers execut-
ing any process or acting under the provisions of this section
are vested with all the incidental powers necessary to the
effectual execution of the powers herein enumerated.
Approved March 18, 1904.
AN ACT authorizing and directing the County Commis-
sioners of Washington County, in their discretion, to levy