the stockholders of said bank as may be called for such pur-
pose by a three-fourths vote of the shares of stock of the
said bank to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the directors of the said
Interest and
Ridgely Savings Bank of Caroline County, Maryland, may
pay out of the net profits of the business of said bank such
interest on stockholders' transient deposits in said bank, and
such dividends on the capital stock of said bank to the stock-
holders of said bank, as will not impair the capital of the
said Ridgely Savings Bank of Caroline County, Maryland.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Ridgely Savings
Right to trans-
Bank of Caroline County, Maryland, shall have power to bor-
act a general
banking busi-
row money and pay interest thereon, not exceeding the legal
rate; receive money on deposit on such conditions and sub-
ject to such regulations as the board of directors of said bank
may deem sufficient, and to buy or discount notes or other
commercial paper, county script or obligation of the counties
and cities of this State, or public or private obligations of
every description, and may, after purchasing, sell the same
in such manner and on such terms as the board of directors
of the said bank may determine; may purchase and hold
or sell real and personal estate and property, and generally
may do and transact a general banking business.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That any individual or adminis-
Authority to
trator, committee, guardian, receiver, assignee, trustee, or any
deposit mon-
public officer of Caroline County or elsewhere other than the
County Treasurer, or any person or persons acting for others,
having the custody of any moneys belonging to themselves
or others, are authorized to deposit the same in the said
Ridgely Savings Bank of Caroline County, should they so
desire, any local law of the State to the contrary notwith-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That whenever any deposits shall
Minors and
be made by a minor or married woman, such deposits shall
be received or held and paid out on precisely the same terms
and conditions as those of adult male or adult female de-
positors, and the check, receipt or acquittance of such minor
or married woman shall be valid and binding on them, any
law of this State to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 17, 1904.