D. Eldridge on December 24, 1901 : South 32 degrees 5
minutes, east 219 yards; south 17 degrees 25 minutes, east
Rights of in-
100 yards; south n degrees 50 minutes, east 76 yards; south
6 degrees o minutes, east 174 yards; south 2 degrees 15 min-
utes, east 150 yards; south 6 degrees 25 minutes, west 312
yards ; south 20 degrees 35 minutes, west 367 yards, to intersec-
tion of George D. Tour's and Enos Routzahn's lands and private
road to the Shank farm ; thence south 7 degrees and 45 minutes,
east 60 yards, said line being the center line running entire
length of corporation; and the corporation to extend 1,100
feet on the right and left side of said line through Main street,
and the police powers of said corporation shall extend to the
distance of one-half mile in all directions beyond taxable
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the male citizens of Myers-
Poll tax ex-
ville at the age of twenty-one years and upwards, who have
resided in said town thirty days and made affidavit of their in-
tention of residing within the town one year from the time
they came and who have paid a poll tax of one dollar, except
property holders or citizens whose wives own property, or
who work one day for the improvement of said town previ-
ous to any election, shall, on the first Monday of May, 1904,
and every two years thereafter, on the same day, elect by
ballot a Burgess and three Councilmen, who shall have resided
in said town for twelve months next preceding the election.
The Councilmen, together with the Burgess, shall constitute
the Council. The said Burgess shall receive the sum of three
Salaries of
dollars ami Councilmen the sum of one dollar as compensa-
tion for their respective services, to be paid annually out of
the funds of said municipal corporation.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the first election held under
the provisions of this Act shall be held on the first Monday in
First election
and its judges
May, in the year 1904, and the polls shall be opened at two
o'clock P.M. and closed at six o'clock P.M., and Daniel H.
Mowen, Daniel V. Harp and Daniel Shepley are hereby ap-
pointed judges for that purpose with full powers and author-
ity to conduct said elections; and if any said judges shall be
absent on the day appointed for, said election, the vacancy
or vacancies shall be filled by the judge or judges present.
All elections thereafter shall be held and conducted as shall
from time to time be directed by the ordinances of the corpo-
ration not inconsistent with the sub-title of this Article.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Burgess qualify by tak-
ing or subscribing the oath of office before the Justice of the