SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section be and it is hereby added to Arti-
Safe Deposit
cle 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, tilte
"Corporations," to be known as Section 221 A, sub-title "Safe
Deposit Companies," and to follow Section 221 of said Arti-
cle, which new section shall read as follows.
221 A. No safe deposit company, incorporated under the
laws of this State or any other State, the District of Columbia,
Refusing ac-
cess to vaults
or any territory of the United States, and engaged in the
of an individ-
business of renting out locked boxes or safes for the storage or
ual member
of joint fidu-
safe keeping of securities and valuables, in a vault in its build-
ing or under its control, within this State, and no corporation
engaged in said business within this State, shall permit entry
or access to be made by one of any two or more co-trustees,
co-executors or administrators, or other joint fiduciaries, to
whom it shall have rented a safe or box in such vault for the
storage or safe keeping of securities or other valuables belong-
ing to their trust estate, nor permit such entry or access in
such cases to be made otherwise than by all of such lessees
in person, their survivors or successors ; nor, where such
safe or box: is rented to a single trustee, executor, administra-
tor or other fiduciary for such purpose, permit such entry or
access otherwise than by such trustee or other fiduciary in
person or- his successors ; provided, however, that where it is
otherwise stipulated in writing in the lease of such box or safe,
signed by all of such lessees, or where a written power of
Written auth-
ority necessa-
attorney or other written authority is filed with such company,
signed by all the lessees, or by the one or more conferring
such power on the other or others, authorizing such entry
and access by one or more of their number, or by a deputy
therein duly named and authorized, then in such cases entry
may be permitted in accordance with the provisions of such
written lease or authority.
Approved March 17, 1904.
AN ACT to repeal Chapter 589 of the Acts of 1902, entitled
"An Act to regulate the payment of wages by corporations or
associations engaged in mining or quarrying, manufacturing,
operating steam or electric railroads, street railways, tele-
graph, telephone and express companies doing business in
Maryland," and to re-enact the same as follows :