Be it further resolved, That the Governor of this State be
Request of the
and he is hereby respectfully requested to send a copy of these
resolutions properly engrossed, attested with the Great Seal of
this State, to each of the Senators and Representatives from
Maryland, and also a copy to the Chief of Staff of the United
States Army, and a copy to the chairman of the committee on
military affairs of the United States House of Representatives.
No. 5.
Joint Resolution by the Legislatures of Maryland and Vir-
WHEREAS, The Legislature of Virginia has passed a Joint
Jamestown Ex-
Resolution requesting the Governor of that State to invite the
co-operation and assistance of each and every other State in
this Union, in order that each of them adopt the necessary
measures to be suitably and appropriately represented at the
Jamestown Exposition to be held in May, 1907 ; and
Maryland to be
WHEREAS, The Governor of Maryland in transmitting to
this General Assembly, at the request of the Governor of Vir-
ginia, the said Joint Resolution, has recommended the adop-
tion of such measures as in its judgment may be deemed best
to enable Maryland to be properly and appropriately repre-
sented at the said exposition; therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor be and he is hereby requested to appoint a commis-
sion of thirteen representatives to represent the State of Mary-
land, and to attend the Jamestown Exposition on the shores of
Hampton Roads, Virginia, on the I3th of May, 1907, which
commission shall submit to the next General Assembly of
Maryland such suggestions as .to them may seem desirable con-
cerning the legislation necessary to carry out the objects and
purposes of this commission.
No. 6,
Joint Resolution providing for a suitable inscription to be
placed on the pedestal of the bronze statue on the State
House hill, erected to Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Justice
of the United States.