records of Baltimore City, in Liber R. O., No. 2029, folio
3, etc. (b) A deed from the Oakland and Improvement Com-
pany of Baltimore City, a body corporate, dated August 13,
1903, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore City,
in Liber R. O., No. 2029, folio 5, etc.
North Balti-
33. To a deed for a certain lot of ground therein men-
more M. P.
tioned from Henrietta Rosenblatt and Sigmund Rosenblatt,
Church, of
her husband, to the trustees of North Baltimore Methodist
Protestant Church, of Baltimore City; said deed bearing date
March 305 1903, and recorded among the land records of
Baltimore City, in Liber R. O., No. 2005, folio 405, etc.;
property being leasehold and known as 1503 West Mount
Royal avenue.
Church of the
34. To the following deeds to the Church of the Holy
Holy Trinity;
Trinity in the City of Baltimore, to wit.: (2) A deed from
George T. Marsh, dated February 3, 1883, and recorded among
the land records of Baltimore City, in Liber R. T. A. No. 969,
folio 174, etc. (b) A deed from Charles B. Blandford, dated '
November 14, 1888, and recorded among the land records of
Baltimore City, in Liber J. B., No. 1217, folio 251, etc.
First Spiritual
35. To a deed for certain real estate therein mentioned
Church, of
from the trustees of the Presbytery, of Baltimore, to the First
Spiritual Church, of Baltimore; said deed bearing date June
1, 1903, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore
City, in Liber R. O., No. 2010, folio 193, etc.
Ebenezer Bap-
36. To a deed for certain real estate therein mentioned
tist Church,
from Augustus D. Clemens, Jr., to the Ebenezer Baptist
of Baltimore.
Church, of Baltimore, Maryland; said deed is recorded among
the land records of Baltimore City, in Liber R. O., 1895,
folio 132.
Galilee Baptist
37. To the sale and grant by Thomas W. Green to the
Church, of
Galilee Baptist Church, of Baltimore City, a body corporate,
of a certain lot therein described ; said deed bearing date
September 11, 1903, and recorded among the land records
of Baltimore City, in Liber R. O., No. 2038, folio 238, etc.
Church of the
Holy Inno-
38. To the sale and conveyance from the Old Town Na-
tional Bank of Baltimore to the vestry of the Church of the Holy
Innocents, a body corporate, of a certain lot of ground therein
described ; said deed bearing date March 14, 1903, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore City, in Liber R. O.,
No. 2003, folio 330, etc.