Missionary and Church Extension Society of the Methodist
Walbrook M.
Episcopal Church to the trustees of Walbrook Methodist
E. Church.
Episcopal Church of Baltimore City ; said deed bearing date
November 1, 1900, and recorded among the land records of
Baltimore City, in Liber R. O., No. 1874, folio 350, etc.
29. To the following deeds to the Baltimore City Mission-
Baltimore City
ary and Church Extension Society of the Methodist Episcopal
and Church
Church, to wit. : (a) A deed from George R. Webb and Mary
C. Webb, his wife, dated March 26, 1902, and recorded among
Society of the
M. B. Church.
the land records of Baltimore, in Liber R. O., No. 1950, folio
315, etc. (b) To a deed from Mary E. Garrett, dated Janu-
ary 11, 1904, and recorded among the land records of Balti-
more City, in Liber R. O., No. 2056, folio 244, etc. ; and
to the leasehold interest in said lot heretofore conveyed by
deed to said society, (c) To a deed of assignment from Wil-
liam G. Thompson and Thomas Vincent, dated December 14,
1887, and recorded among the records of Baltimore City,
in Liber J. B, No. 1169, folio 224, etc. (d) To a deed from
Louis K. High and Lottie High, his wife, dated July 25,
1900, and recorded among- the land records of Baltimore
City, in Liber R. O., No. 1859, folio 353, etc. (e) To a
deed from Samuel D. Hilfrich, et al., dated January 26, 1901,
and recorded among the land records of Baltimore City, in
Liber R. O.. No. 1886, folio 91, etc. (f) To a deed from
Randolph Barton and wife, dated March 31, 1903, and re-
corded among the land records of Anne Arundel County, in
Liber G. W., No. 30, folio 184, etc.
30. To a deed from Mary M. Griffith and Frederick J.
Relay M. B.
Griffith to the trustees of the Relay Methodist Episcopal
Church of Bal-
Church, of Baltimore County, of a certain lot of ground de-
timore Coun-
scribed in said deed, bearing date December 3, 1901, and re-
corded among the land records of Baltimore County, in Liber
N. B. M., No. 256, folio 448, eta.
31. To a deed of certain real estate therein mentioned from
Grace Reform-
William P Maulsby, trustee, to the Grace Reformed Church,
ed Church.
of Frederick, Maryland, a body corporate; said deed bearing
of Frederick
date December 3, 1901, and recorded among the land records
of Frederick County, in Liber D. H. H., No. 13, folio 13,
32. To the following deed to the trustees of the Seventh ,
Seventh Bap-
Baptist Church, of Baltimore, a body corporate, to wit. : (a)
tist Church of
A deed from Frank H. Galloway and Maggie E. Galloway,
his wife, dated August 6, 1903, and recorded among the land