39. To a deed and grant of certain ground therein men-
tioned from William J. Sterling and wife to the trustees of
Memorial M.
Bennett's Memorial Methodist Protestant Church, of Somer-
P. Church, of
set County, a body corporate; said deed bearing date Novem-
County, Md.
ber 28, 1903, and recorded among the land records of Somerset
County, in Liber O. T. B., No. 37, folio 191, etc.; and the
holding of said lot by said corporation with full power to sell
lease, mortgage or dispose of same.
40. To a bequest of one hundred and fifty dollars as con-
Union Chapel
tained in the last will and testament and codicil thereto at-
M, P. Church.
tached of Thomas L. Beaumont, late of Harford County,
of Harford
deceased, to the ministers and trustees of the Union Chapel
Methodist Protestant Church, in Harford County, as the trus-
tees of the Union Chapel Methodist Protestant Church, in
Harford County, bearing date April 30, 1902.
41. To the bequest of one thousand dollars as contained
in the last will and testament of Maria Shackleford, late of
Central Pres-
Baltimore City, deceased, to the board of trustees of the
Church, of
Central Presbyterian Church, of Baltimore ; said will bearing
date of February 10, 1903; and recorded in the Register of
Wills office of Baltimore, in Wills Liber, No. 92, folio 348,
42. To the bequest of one hundred dollars as contained in
St. Luke's
the last will and testament of Ella S. Haines, late of Carroll
Evan. Luth.
Church, of
County, deceased, to the trustees of St. Luke's Evangelical
Lutheran Church (Winters), of Carroll County, in the State
County, Md.
of Maryland ; said will bearing date December 5, 1890, and
recorded in the Register of Wills office in Carroll County.
43. To the bequest of one thousand dollars as contained in
M. 15. Church.
the last will and testament of Eliza Wilkinson, late of Queen
of Centreville.
Anne's County, deceased, to the trustees of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, of Centreville, Queen Anne's County, Mary-
land ; said will bearing date January 7, 1877, and recorded in
the office of the Register of Wills for Queen Anne's County,
in Liber F. R., No. 21, folio 267, etc.
44. To the bequest of five hundred dollars as contained in
the last will and testament of Henrietta S. Goodhand, late
M. P. Church,
of Stevens-
of Queen Anne's County, deceased, to the Methodist Protest-
ville, Md.
ant Church at Stevensville, Kent Island, Queen Anne's County,
Maryland; said will bearing date December 8, 1899, and re-
corded in the office of the Register of Wills for Queen Anne's
County, in Liber F. R., No. 2, folio 259, etc.