by the United States in congress assembled, and every officer so appointed
shall be amenable to, and removable by, the United States in congress
assembled alone, or a committee of the States in the recess of congress. |
Congress may
inflict penalties,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the United States in congress assembled,
be authorised to inflict such penalties and forfeitures as they may judge
necessary to prevent frauds and to secure the punctual payment of the
duties aforesaid, and to inforce obedience to their ordinances and regulations
respecting the duty of the officers to be appointed as aforesaid, and
the faithful collection of the duties aforesaid; and all penalties and
inflicted by congress, may be recovered in the name of congress, in
the same mode as is established by law for the recovery of fines and forfeitures
for the breach of any of the laws of this state in similar cases;
and the said United States in congress assembled, are hereby authorised
make such ordinances, regulations and arrangements, as to them may
seem proper or necessary, for the faithful and punctual payment and collection
of the said duties; provided that the said ordinances, regulations
and arrangements, shall not be repugnant to the constitution of this state. |
Purpose for
which duties
are granted. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said duties are hereby granted to congress
for the purpose of discharging the principal and interest of all debts
contracted on the faith of the United States for supporting the late war
Great-Britain, agreeably to the resolution of congress of the sixteenth
of December seventeen hundred and eighty-two, and for no other purpose. |
When to take
peace, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That this act shall be in force, and the powers
thereby vested in the United States in congress assembled, shall take place
and may be exercised as soon as twelve states, including this state, shall
pass such laws as congress shall accept as a substantial compliance with
their resolve of the eighteenth of April seventeen hundred and eighty-three,
so far as the same relates to the imposing the duties herein before
mentioned: And this act shall continue and be in force for twenty-five
years after it shall have taken place as aforesaid. |
Passed March
12. |
An ACT to empower Thomas Beatty to collect the arrearages
of taxes due to the estate of Christopher Edelen, late
of Frederick
county, deceased, as collector for the said county for
the years therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the
memorial of Mountjoy Bailey, that Christopher Edelen, deceased,
late of Frederick county, was appointed collector of
the public taxes in the said county, for the years seventeen hundred and
eighty, seventeen hundred and eighty-one, and seventeen hundred and
eighty-two, and that a considerable balance is still due to the public
the said Christopher Edelen; that the said Christopher Edelen departed
this life some time in the month of January last, leaving a small personal
estate, insufficient to discharge the balance aforesaid: And whereas
it appears
from the books and accounts of the sid Christopher Edelen, that
there is a considerable balance of arrearages uncollected and due to the
estate of the said Christopher Edelen, nearly equal to the balance
from the said Christopher Edelen to the public: And whereas the
Mountjoy Bailey, as son-in-law to the said Christopher Edelen, has
taken out letters of administration upon the estate of the said deceased,
and prayed that a law might pass empowering some proper person to
collect the arrearages of taxes for the years aforesaid due to the estate
the said Christopher Edelen, for the purpose of discharging the balance |