due to the public, and to secure and indemnify the securities of the
Christopher Edelen: And it appearing reasonable to grant
the prayer of
the said memorial, and that some fit and proper person should be vested
with the same powers which the said Christopher Edelen in his life-time
could exercise for the purpose of collection; therefore |
LXV. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Thomas
Beatty, of Frederick county, be, and he is hereby authorised and empowered
to collect, by execution or otherwise, all arrearages and balances due
to the estate of the said Christopher Edelen, as sheriff and collector
Frederick county for the years aforesaid, for public and county taxes and
rates, and for attornies and officers fees, (if any remain to be collected)
in as full and ample manner, to all intents and purposes, as the said Christopher
Edelen in his life-time might or could have collected them. |
T. Beatty
empowered to
collect, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said Thomas Beatty shall, and he
is hereby directed and empowered, after payment of the arrears and
balances due from the said Christopher Edelen to the public, to pay over
residue to the representatives of the said Christopher Edelen, to be distributed
according to law, first deducting the same commission on the said
collection which the said Christopher Edelen was entitled to |
And to pay
over the residue. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That an indulgence till the first day of October
next be, and it is hereby given, to the securities and administrator of
the sid Christopher Edelen, for the purpose of discharging the arrears
balance due to the public as aforesaid. |
granted. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the orphans court of Frederick county,
are hereby authorised and directed to take bond with security from the
said Thomas Beatty, conditioned, that he the said Thomas Beatty, after
making the collection aforesaid and discharging the balance due to
the public as aforesaid, and making the deduction aforesaid, will truly
faithfully pay over the residue, (if any) to the representatives of the
Christopher Edelen, to be distributed according to law. |
Orphans court
to take bond,
&c. |
An ACT ascertaining the mode of granting titles to the
of certain confiscated property. |
Passed March
11. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the purchaser
of any land lying within any manor or reserve, and sold by the
intendant or commissioners of confiscated property, shall, upon return
of a certificate of survey thereof to the land-office for the western
shore, and the same being examined and passed, and after the expiration
of six months from the said return, and upon payment of the purchase money
to be endorsed on the said certificate, be entitled to a patent for such
land, in fee-simple, unless the chancellor, upon hearing on any caveat
the same, shall otherwise determine; and such certificate and patent shall
be recorded among the records of the land-office. |
entitled to a
patent, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That any certificates and plats of survey which
shall or may be returned to the register of the land-office for the western
shore, on or before the first day of January in the year seventeen hundred
and eighty-seven, by any person who has been appointed by the intendant
to survey any of the aforesaid lands, shall be received by the examiner-general,
and be of the same validity as if they had been executed and returned
by the surveyor of the county. |
Certificates of
surveys returned
shall be
received, &c. |
C c