before he shall return two lists of all the certificates for which he
shall request a credit, with their numbers, dates and sums, and the names
of the persons from whom received, and make oath, (to be administered
by either of the treasurers) to be endorsed on the said list, that the
mentioned in such list and requested to be allowed such collector,
were actually, really and truly, and without any deceit or fraud, received
in virtue of this act, and in payment of the assessment due on the property
in his county, and from the person named in such list, except only change,
if any, given on the receipt of the said certificates, in which case he
certificates in change as far as in his power, and money only for the balance;
and if any collector shall swear falsely in the premises, and shall
be thereof convicted, he shall suffer as in case of wilful and corrupt
and the treasurer receiving such lists shall transmit one to the clerk
of the council, and the other to the commissioners of the tax of the county
of the said collector. |
for certificates
before lists are
returned, &c. |
An ACT to invest the United States in congress assembled
with a power to levy, for the use of the United States,
duties on certain enumerated articles, and five per
cent. on all other foreign merchandise, imported into
state. |
Passed March
11. |
WHEREAS congress, by their resolution of the eighteenth
of April seventeen hundred and eighty-three, recommended
to the several states to pass laws investing the United States in
congress assembled with a power to levy certain duties on imported foreign
goods, wares and merchandise, as a fund for the payment of the
debt contracted by congress during the late war; and the measure appearing
to this general assembly to be absolutely necessary; therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
United States in congress assembled, be, and they are hereby invested,
with a power to levy the following duties on the following enumerated
articles imported into this state from any foreign port, island or plantation,
to wit: Upon all rum of Jamaica proof per gallon four ninetieths
a dollar, upon all other spirituous liquors per gallon three ninetieths
of a
dollar, upon Madeira wine per gallon, six ninetieths of a dollar, upon
all other wines per gallon, six ninetieths of a dollar, upon common bohea
tea per pound six ninetieths of a dollar, upon all other teas per pound
twenty-four ninetieths of a dollar, upon pepper per pound three ninetieths
of a dollar, upon brown sugar per pound half a ninetieth of a dollar,
upon loaf sugar per pound two ninetieths of a dollar, upon all other sugars
per pound one ninetieth of a dollar, upon molasses per gallon one
ninetieth of a dollar, upon cocoa and coffee per pound one ninetieth of
dollar, and upon all other goods, wares and merchandise, of foreign
growth or manufacture imported into this state from any foreign port,
island or plantation, a duty of five per cent. ad valorem, at the time
place of importation. |
United States
may levy duties,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the governor and the council are hereby
authorised and required, to appoint proper persons to collect the duties
aforesaid, at such convenient places within this state, being the usual
of receiving duties within this state, and such others as the governor
and council may think necessary to secure the full collection of the
duties imposed by congress; and if the governor and the council shall not
make such appointment of persons to collect the said duties within one
month after notice given for that purpose, the appointment may be made |
Governor and
council to appoint
to collect, &c. |