How inspectors
are to be
&c. |
VI. Be it enacted,
That the inspectors to be appointed for said counties,
shall be appointed in the same manner as is directed in said act, and
shall be subject to the same rules and regulations, and shall receive the
same reward and fees for their services, as is therein expressed, any
in this act to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
An ACT relative to the arrearages of taxes due the state before
the first day of January seventeen hundred and eighty-three. |
may give
bond, &c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That any collector
of taxes, due before the first day of January seventeen hundred
and eighty-three, may, on or before the first day of August
next, give bond or bonds, with good and sufficient securities, (such as
treasurer of the western or eastern shore shall approve) for the balance
due from such collectors, with an interest of six per cent. per annum from
the time the money ought to have been paid, the principal to be paid on
or before the first day of January seventeen hundred and ninety, and interest
to be paid on the first day of September, annually, and such bonds
shall, from their respective dates, be a lien on the real estate of such
and their securities, and shall be considered as part of the fund for
the payment of the state debt, agreeably to the act to establish funds
secure the payment of the state debt within six years, and for the punctual
payment of the annual interest thereon. |
And execute
for taxes, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That any such collector, having given bond as
aforesaid, may execute the person or property of any debtor for such taxes
after the first day of August next, and such debtor may discharge his
taxes in any specie certificates heretofore issued by this state, or to
be issued
for any debt now due from this state; and on affidavit that any
debtor for such taxes is about to run away or remove his effects, the said
collectors, in any such case, may execute such debtor, or his property,
the said first day of August next, and every debtor for such taxes shall
pay an interest of six per cent. thereon, from the time that the payment
ought to have been made. |
Bonds to be
lodged with
the treasurers,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That all bonds which shall be taken in virtue
of this act from collectors of the tax who are inhabitants of the eastern
shore, shall be delivered to and kept by the treasurer of the eastern
and all bonds which shall be taken in virtue of this act from collectors
who are inhabitants of the western shore, shall be delivered to and kept
by the treasurer of the western shore; and the said treasurers are hereby
ordered and expressly directed, that if the interest due on any of the
bonds should not be paid on the first day of September, in every year,
the principal shall be paid agreeably to this act, that then, and in every
such case, the respective treasurers shall, on the second day of September,
cause such bond or bonds to be put in suit to compel the payment of
the interest so due. |
Treasurer of
E. S. to deliver
a copy of
all bonds, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the treasurer of the eastern shore shall, on
or before the tenth day of December next, deliver to the treasurer of the
western shore, a true copy of all bonds taken by him, in virtue of this
and the treasurer of the western shore is hereby directed and required
lodge the said copies in his office, and likewise to charge the obligors
their securities with the same. |
Collectors not
to be allowed. |
V. And be it
enacted, That no collector shall have any allowance on
the settlement of his account with either of the treasurers, for any certificate, |