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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 96   View pdf image (33K)
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                WILLIAM SMALLWOOD, Esq; Governor.

in either of said counties for the inspecting and receiving such tobacco,
on account of which the inhabitants of said counties labour under very
great disadvantages, and have no convenient markets for the sale of their
tobacco; therefore,



    II.  Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners
of the tax for Frederick and Washington counties may, and
they are hereby authorised, empowered and directed, upon application
made to them by any person or persons, to determine and fix upon, and
lay out agreeably to the said act, the most proper place in said county or
counties to build and erect one warehouse in each county for the reception
and inspection of tobacco, and also appoint one or two inspectors for
each or either of said warehouses; provided such person or persons making
such application shall build and erect the same at his or their own
expence or expences, so that the same be sufficient to contain and secure
all the tobacco offered at said warehouse, and furnishing scales, weights,
prizes, and all other things that shall be necessary for that purpose;
that such person or persons erecting said warehouse be, and are hereby
vested with full power to levy and receive from the owner or owners
of said tobacco, three shillings and nine-pence per hogshead for all tobacco
by them received, kept, and delivered in good order, within one year, and
three-pence for every month thereafter they shall take care of said tobacco
after the expiration of said one year, until the same shall be delivered
in good order, agreeably to the regulations in the said act.
to fix upon
a place, &c.
    III.  And be it enacted, That the inspector or inspectors appointed at
such warehouse shall take an oath, or affirmation, as the case may be, as
in other cases is required by the said act; and the person or persons undertaking
to build such warehouse, shall give bond with good security, to
be approved of by the commissioners of the tax for his county, with condition
to perform his contract in building said warehouse, and keeping
the same in repair, and also providing weights, scales and prizes, and other
things necessary for inspecting tobacco at said warehouse, the said bond to
be proved and recorded as herein before directed with regard to other
Inspectors to
take an oath,
    IV.  And be it enacted, That the tobacco notes received for tobacco
delivered at either of the said warehouses, shall not be received in payment
or discharge of any tobacco debt or debts, unless by consent of the
party or parties to whom the same shall be due, or that the contract was
entered into for the payment of said tobacco.
Notes not to
be received for
debts, &c.
    V.  And, to prevent and detect deception and fraud by exchanging any
of said tobacco when received from either of the warehouses aforesaid to
be carried to any port for exportation, Be it enacted, That any person
or persons receiving said tobacco, to be carried in waggons, or to
be otherwise delivered at any port for exportation, shall make oath before
some magistrate, (or affirmation) as the case may be, describing the number
and marks on said hogshead or hogsheads, that the identical tobacco,
so intended to be carried shall be delivered, (accidents from weather or
other ways excepted,) in the same good order as he received the same
from the inspector or inspectors of said warehouse, and that the same hath
not been changed, altered, diminished, or wilfully damaged, since the
same was received from the warehouse or warehouses aforesaid; and such
tobacco may, at his own expence, or the expence of the vendor, if the
same prove unmerchantable, be reviewed by the purchaser, or his order, in
manner herein before directed in other cases, such review to be made at
the port or place of delivery, on navigable water, and not otherwise.


Persons receiving
for exportation
to make
oath, &c.

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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 96   View pdf image (33K)
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