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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 95   View pdf image (33K)
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                                LAWS of MARYLAND.

for and pay all such monies by them received to the justices of their
county, who shall, out of such monies, pay the proprietors of he warehouses,
within one month after such account shall be settled, one shilling
and six-pence current money for every hogshead inspected and passed, and
lodged in their warehouse, and the inspectors salaries, which shall be liberal,
and such as will induce fit and proper persons to undertake the office
of inspector under this act, and also the other expences incurred in virtue
of this act, and the residue, if any, shall be applied to the use of the

per month for
room, &c.
    LX.  And be it enacted, That every hogshead of tobacco that shall be
unexported, after being twelve months in any public warehouse established
by this act, shall be chargeable with three-pence per month for every
month any hogshead of tobacco shall lie over and above one year, and the
inspector or inspectors are hereby directed to receive and pay the same to
the justices of the county, if such warehouse belongs to the county, if
not, to the owner or proprietor of the warehouse.


Monies to be
accounted for,

    LXI.  And, whereas it is represented, that some inspectors who received
the twelve pounds of tobacco per hogshead directed to be paid
them at the delivery of tobacco, and the two pounds of tobacco per hogshead
per month for tobacco lying in the warehouse above a year, and
which was intended for warehouse rent, have not accounted therefor,
Be it enacted, That all such monies shall be accounted for and paid, as
herein before directed, to the justices of their county, and the owner of
the warehouse.
may plead the
general issue,
    LXII.  And be it enacted, That if any action shall be commenced against
any person for any thing done in pursuance of this act, he may plead the
general issue, and give this act and the special matter in evidence at the
trial, and that the same was done in pursuance and by authority of this act,
and if it shall appear to have been so done, then the court shall direct the
jury, and they shall accordingly find for the defendant; and if the plaintiff
be nonsuited, or discontinue his action, or if judgment shall be given
upon demurrer or verdict against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover
double costs.
Actions to be
within one
year, &c.
    LXIII.  And be it enacted, That all prosecutions and actions for the
recovery of any penalty or damages for any breach of this act, shall be
commenced within one year after the offence committed or damage done,
and not afterwards; and all actions commenced against any person or persons
making any seizure under this act, or doing any thing in consequence
of the provisions in this act, shall be brought within one year after the
seizure made, or act done, and not afterwards; and all libels filed for the
purpose of forfeiting vessels for any thing done contrary to any provision
in this act, shall be filed within eighteen months from the time of the act
done from which a forfeiture of the vessel may be alleged to have been
incurred, and not afterwards.
Continuance.     LXIV.  This act to continue until the end of the next annual session
of the general assembly.

Passed Mar. 8.
                                            CHAP. LXII.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation
                                of unmerchantable tobacco.
Preamble.     WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that
considerable quantities of tobacco are raised in Frederick and
Washington counties, and that there is no inspection or warehouse

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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 95   View pdf image (33K)
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