the major part of them, on the premises, upon a certain day to be by
them limited and appointed in such warrant; which jury, upon their
oath, to be by any one of the said commissioners to the said jurors administered,
shall inquire who is or are the owner or owners of the said land,
what is the value thereof, and what damages such owner or owners will
sustain; and the sum of money the said jurors shall adjudge to the owner
or owners of such land, shall be assessed by the justices of such county
the time of the making their next county assessment, and shall be collected
by the sheriff or collector of such county in the same manner as the
county assessment, and the sheriff or collector shall tender or pay the
to the owner or owners of such land; and the said justices shall immediately
after such valuation by the jury, cause such land to be surveyed and
laid out by the surveyor of such county, with good and sufficient boundaries,
and a certificate thereof to be returned and recorded in the county records;
and the justices of the said county, and their successors, shall be
and are hereby vested with an estate in fee-simple in the said land, for
use of such county for ever; and the said justices or any two of them,
shall, and they are hereby authorised and required, to treat and agree
workmen to build and finish good, necessary, and convenient warehouses,
on such land, and to purchase all necessaries and conveniences to carry
this act into execution, and the expences for the same shall be assessed
collected on and from the inhabitants of such county, in the same manner
as the county assessment, and shall be paid by the sheriff or collector
the order of the said justices, or any two of them. |
LXI. |
LVIII. And be
it enacted, That the justices of the several county courts
be authorised and required, at their respective March, April, or June
courts, and on the second day thereof, to give this act in charge to the
grand jury, and to direct them to make diligent inquiry into any breaches
of this act, and particularly into the conduct of the inspectors in their
county; and the said justices are also authorised and required, at the
court, to inquire into the number of warehouses in their county, the
quantity of tobacco inspected at each warehouse within the year, the number
of inspectors at each warehouse, an the annual expence of, and receipts
at, each warehouse, and after full inquiry and mature consideration
of all these circumstances, and the situation and convenience of the inhabitants
of their county who carry tobacco for inspection, to determine,
whether any warehouse appointed in their county in virtue of this act
ought to be discontinued and suppressed, and also, whether the number of
inspectors at any warehouse ought to be increased,. and the said justices
shall enter their determination in the records of the minutes of their
and shall transmit a copy thereof to the governor and the council;
and if the said justices shall declare that any warehouse is unnecessary,
it shall, by virtue of such order, be discontinued, and if belonging to
the county, the warehouse, with the ground belonging thereto, shall be
sold by the order of the said justices, and the sales thereof applied to
use of the county; and if they shall declare that the number of inspectors
may appoint and commission, out of the last recommendation, as many
persons as may be necessary. |
Act to be given
in charge
to grand jury,
&c. |
LIX. And be
it enacted, That for every hogshead of tobacco offered
to be inspected, there shall be paid at the time, by the owner or person
bringing the same, to the inspector or inspectors who shall view the said
tobacco, the sum of two shillings and six-pence current money, and at
the time of taking away the said tobacco for exportation, there shall be
paid, by the person receiving the said tobacco, to the inspector or inspectors
delivering the same, at the time of delivery, the further sum of two
shillings and six-pence current money; and the said inspectors shall account |
Inspectors allowance,
&c. |