Lots to be
bounded, &c. |
III. Be it enacted,
That the said commissioners, or a major part of
them, shall cause all the lots in the said town to be substantially
and fairly
bounded and numbered, and from time to time hereafter see that the
boundaries be kept up and preserved. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That on the death, removal or resignation of
any of the said commissioners, the major part of the remaining commissioners
shall appoint another to serve in the stead of such commissioner
so dying, removing or resigning. |
may employ
a clerk,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners of the said town, or
major part of them, shall have full power to employ a clerk, who shall
be under oath, fairly and honestly to enter into a book to be kept
for that
purpose, all the proceedings of the said commissioners relating to
the said
town, in which book, among other things, shall be kept a fair plat
of the
said town, describing every lot by its number, and who the taker up
purchaser was or shall be; and the said books shall always be open
to the
inspection and examination of the said commissioners. |
And levy money,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or a major part
of them, are empowered to levy, assess and take, by way of distress,
needful, from the inhabitants of the town, by even and equal proportion,
the sum of ten pounds current money yearly, to be paid to their clerk;
and also they shall have power to remove or displace their clerk as
as they shall think fit. |
C. Brooke
may convey
lots, &c. |
VII. And,
whereas also the said Robert Young Stoakes did appropriate
and set apart for public purposes, several lots in the said town, which
have not been conveyed, by reason of the death of the said Robert Young
Stoakes, Be it enacted, That Clement
Brooke, executor of the last will
and testament of the said Robert Young Stoakes, be, and is hereby
authorised and empowered, to convey, by deed, to the commissioners
aforesaid, and their successors, for ever hereafter, for use of said
such lots therein as the said Robert Young Stoakes, in his life-time,
apart and allotted for public purposes. |
Town called
Havre-de-Grace. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the parcel of ground, so as aforesaid laid
out by the said Robert Young Stoakes, in his life-time, into lots,
surveyed by the commissioners aforesaid, shall be for ever hereafter
and known by the name of Havre-de-Grace. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
An ACT for the benefit of the estate of Anne Catharine Green. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the
petition of Frederick Green, administrator and heir at law of
Anne Catharine Green, deceased, that it appears by the books
of account of the said Anne Catharine Green, there is due to her, for
services as printer to the then province of Maryland, considerable
sums of
money in several counties, and praying an act may pass directing the
courts, in the deficient counties, to assess the sums due in their
next levy:
And whereas it appears that the facts set forth in said petition are
and that the prayer thereof is reasonable and just; therefore, |
Justices to examine
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices
of Charles, Prince-George's, Frederick, Baltimore, Dorchester, Saint-Mary's,
Kent, Cæcil, Somerset, Calvert, Talbot, and Worcester counties,
be, and they are hereby authorised, empowered and directed, at their
levy courts, to examine the said accounts with their respective levy lists, |