according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and to and for no
use, intent or purpose, whatsoever. |
LIV. |
III. And,
whereas the establishment of public alleys of about eighteen
feet wide, and three hundred feet long, on each side of the market-house
on the market-ground, and connecting and joining the whole together
from one end to the other, and also establishing the twelve feet alley
communicating with second-street, in order that the whole may be given
in charge to the overseers, would not only greatly tend to the improvement
of that part of the town, but consequently the whole; therefore, Be
it enacted, That the whole of
the market-ground, both old and new,
containing in front sixty feet and in length three hundred feet, shall
and is hereby declared to be and remain connected and joined together,
for ever, and that the said town alleys of eighteen feet wide, on each
of the market-house, as also the twelve foot alley adjoining the church-ground,
is hereby declared to be, and shall for ever remain, free and open
for public use, in the same manner of other streets and alleys in said
and for and to no other use whatever. |
Old and new
&c. |
IV. And,
whereas money may be raised by subscription or otherwise
for making necessary additions to the said market buildings, Be
it enacted,
That the said Baker Johnson, Richard Potts, George Murdock, John
Bruner, Jacob Steiner, John Adlum, and Peter Mantz, trustees as aforesaid,
or the major part of them, shall have authority to make, or cause
to be made and done, the necessary additional buildings that may be
thought convenient, and may appoint one of their number treasurer,
is hereby empowered to receive ad collect all monies owing as aforesaid;
and if any person shall refuse or neglect to pay what is owing, the
treasurer, or any of them, in the name of the rest, may, and is hereby
authorised to sue for, recover and receive the same. |
Trustees may
make additional
&c. |
An ACT for erecting a town at the mouth of Susquehanna
river, in Harford county, and for appointing commissioners
to regulate and govern the same. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
Robert Young Stoakes, late of Harford county, deceased, did,
in his life-time, survey and lay out into lots, a parcel of
ground at the mouth of Susquehanna river, for a town, and called the
same by the name of Havre-de-Grace, and that sundry persons have purchased
lots and made considerable improvements on the same; that it
would greatly conduce to the prosperity and advantage of the said town,
appointed to survey, ascertain and perpetuate, the boundaries of the lots
throughout the said town, and also invested with powers to superintend
and regulate the same; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Samuel
Hughes, Benedict Edward Hall, William Smith, (bay-side) Josiah Carvil
Hall, and Gabriel Christie, be, and are hereby appointed commissioners,
to survey and lay out all that parcel of land, agreeably to the survey
made by the said Robert Young Stoakes in his life-time, and the same,
when surveyed, to lay out into lots, streets, lanes and alleys, and a correct
and accurate plat thereof return to the clerk of Harford county, by him
be recorded among the land records of the said county, and kept in
the said
office, and the same, or a copy thereof, shall always be evidence as to
streets, lanes and alleys, and the bounds and lines of lots in the said
town. |
&c. |