and if it shall appear to them that any part of the said accounts has
levied, more than what is credited, that they direct the clerk of the
county to make out an attested certificate thereof, with the name of
sheriff liable therefor, and transmit the same to the said Frederick
by the first safe opportunity, and where the said sums have not been levied,
agreeably to the several laws passed for that purpose, that they assess
the same in their next levy, and, upon application to the said courts,
they direct the clerk of the county to give information thereof to the
Frederick Green. |
LVI. |
An ACT for the relief of the poor in the counties of Dorchester
and Somerset. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
WHEREAS the necessity, number, and continual increase
the poor within the said counties, is very great and burthensome,
which might be greatly lessened by a due regulation and
employment of them; therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That there
shall be alms and work-houses erected and built in Dorchester and Somerset
counties, at convenient places in the said counties, at the general charge
and expence of the said counties; and that the justices of Dorchester
county, for the time being, shall, and they are hereby authorised and empowered,
to assess and levy, in equal proportion, on the property within
the said county liable to assessment, at the time of laying the county
the sum of three hundred pounds current money in each of the years seventeen
hundred and eighty-six, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, and
seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, together with the collector's commission
of four per centum thereon for collecting the same; and the justices
of Somerset county for the time being, shall, and they are hereby
authorised and empowered, to assess and levy, in equal proportion, on the
property within the said county liable to assessment, at the time of
their county rate, the sum of three hundred pounds current money, in
each of the years seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, seventeen hundred
and eighty-eight, and seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, together with
the collector's commission of four per centum for collecting the same;
which said rate or assessment, so as aforesaid to be laid and levied, shall
collected by the collector of each of the said counties, in the same manner
and at the same time as the county rate is collected; and the said money,
when so as aforesaid collected, shall be paid by the said collectors to
trustees for the poor, or the major part of them, as are by this act appointed,
who are hereby authorised and required, to receive and apply the
same to the uses and purposes herein after directed. |
Alms and
to be erected,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That for the time being, the several persons
hereafter named be, and are hereby appointed, trustees of the poor
the said counties, and are empowered with full and sufficient authority
discharge the several offices, duties and trusts, reposed in and required
them by this act; that is to say, for Dorchester county, Messieurs Henry
Hooper, Robert Harrison, Joseph Ennalls, Joseph Daffin, Nathaniel Manning,
James Steele, and Robert Griffith; and for Somerset county, Messieurs
John Adams, Levin Gale, Thomas Bruff, John Wilson, George
Waggaman, George Day Scott, and William Strawbridge; the which persons,
or the major part of them, in case of the death or absence of any,
are hereby required, with all convenient speed, to meet at such place
within their said counties as to them shall seem meet, to qualify
themselves for the office of trustees for the poor of their county, which
they are to do by taking and subscribing the several oaths or affirmations |
Trustees appointed,
&c. |