to make
out a list, &c. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners of the respective counties,
and of Baltimore-town and its precincts, shall, on or before the first
day of September next, make out a fair and correct account of the property
by them respectively ascertained and valued, as by this act is directed,
and the same shall sign and enclose in a cover, directed to the clerk
the house of delegates, and shall within five days thereafter, under
a penalty
of five pounds on each commissioner, deliver the same, endorsed on
public service, to the sheriff of their county, to be by him forwarded
public letters; and also the commissioners, within the time aforesaid,
under the like penalty, shall deliver a copy of such account to the
of his county, to be by him recorded; and the clerk of the house of
shall enter the said summary account in a book to be provided for
that purpose, and keep the original in his office, and on the second
of the next meeting of the general assembly, he shall lay the same
the house of delegates for the inspection of the members. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish a market
in Frederick-town in Frederick county, and for the
of said market. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS, by the report from the committee to whom
was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of Frederick-town
and county, for the removal of the market-house in said
town, and the counter petition thereto, which said report has been
with, by which it appears, that the petition for the removal is
inadmissible, because the contracted situation complained of is removed
by a donation of ground of nearly double the quantity it now contains,
more especially because the present ground was given for the express
of building and continuing the market-house thereon, and that when
market-house is removed the property reverts to the original proprietor,
and cannot constitutionally be sold by the inhabitants of said town
for any
purpose or use whatever: And whereas it further appears by said
that the prayer of the counter petition ought to br granted, on the
terms that they, the donors, convey to the inhabitants of said town
and county, in like manner as the present market-ground is conveyed,
fee, for the sole purpose and use of said market, the ground expressed
said petition to be given for that purpose: And whereas a deed
of conveyance
has been since made and executed, in trust, for the use of and
in behalf of the inhabitants of said town and county, for the purposes
aforesaid, to wit, on or about the twentieth day of January, seventeen
hundred and eighty-six, by William Murdock Beall, Henry McCleary,
John Gibhart, and Henry Zealer, the donors aforesaid, for a certain
of ground therein mentioned and described, containing sixty feet by
one hundred and eighty feet, more or less, as also an alley of twelve
by one hundred and fifty-five feet, for the use and purpose aforesaid,
and in the name of Baker Johnson, Richard Potts, George Murdock,
John Bruner, Jacob Steiner, John Adlum, and Peter Mantz, as trustees,
for the use of the inhabitants aforesaid; and it is further prayed,
that an
act of assembly may be passed for confirming the said deed, and vesting
the estate therein mentioned to the trustees aforesaid, for the use
and purpose
aforesaid: Therefore, |
made good
and sufficient,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said
conveyance so made by the said William Murdock Beall, Henry McCleary,
John Gibhart, and Henry Zealer, to the said trustees, and every clause,
matter and thing, therein contained, shall be and is hereby declared good
and sufficient in law, for the purposes and uses therein mentioned,
and |