sheriff, and the other sheriffs in the line of direction to the owner,
forward the same. |
XII. And be
it enacted, That the governor, with the advice of the
council, be authorised and requested to appoint three of the most proper
men in the respective counties, and in Baltimore-town and its precincts,
to be a court to hear and determine appeals from the valuations made by
the commissioners in the respective counties, and in the said town,
and to
issue a commission to the persons so appointed, signed by the governor,
and with the seal of the state annexed, authorising them, or any two of
them, to hear and determine all appeals to them made, according to this
act, from the valuations of the commissioners; and the persons so appointed
shall, as soon as may be after the receipt of the said commission, qualify,
by taking the following oath or affirmation, as the case may be, before
some justice of the county, to wit, " I, A. B. do swear, or solemnly
or sincerely affirm, that I will hear, examine, and according to the best
of my judgment, justly determine, all appeals which may be made to me
as a judge of the court of appeals from valuations made by the commissioners
of _____ county, or Baltimore-town and its precincts," (as the
case may be) and thereupon the persons so appointed, commissioned and
qualified, shall have full power and authority to hear and determine all
appeals made to them agreeably to the act; and shall have power and authority
to summon such persons as they may think proper to attend them,
upon hearing any appeal, and also to take all such measures as to them
shall appear just and expedient to gain true and perfect information upon
the subjects of their inquiry; and the clerks of the commissioners
shall be
clerks of the said courts respectively, and shall attend the same, and
said courts for the several counties shall sit at the usual places of holding
the county courts of their counties respectively, on such days as shall
by them appointed, agreeably to the directions of this act; and the said
court for Baltimore-town shall sit at such convenient place therein as
they shall appoint, on the days by them to be appointed as aforesaid. |
Governor to
appoint a
court of appeals,
&c. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That any person may appeal from the valuation
of his land, or other real property, made by the commissioners, to
the said court of appeals, within twenty days after the last time appointed
by the commissioners of the county for attending to shew the valuations
by them made as aforesaid, and upon such appeal being made within the
time aforesaid, the said court of appeals shall, within twenty days thereafter,
hear and determine the same; and upon such hearing the court may
confirm the valuation made by the commissioners, or may make such abatement
therein as they may think just, and their determination shall be entered
in a book to be kept for entering and recording their proceedings, and
shall be certified by the clerk to the commissioners, who shall conform
the determination of the said court, and the party so appealing shall
concluded by such determination. |
Persons may
appeal, &c. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That witnesses attending the said court of appeals
in consequence of summon for them, shall be allowed five shillings per
day of every day's attendance; and each judge of the aforesaid court of
appeals shall be allowed ten shillings per day for every day's attendance
the execution of his trust; and the clerk of the court of appeals aforesaid,
shall be allowed such sum for his services, not exceeding ten pounds current
money as the said court shall determine to be just; for which allowances
to the judges and clerk of the court of appeals, the commissioners
shall give an order on the collector, and the same shall be by him
paid out of the money levied in the county, and the party appealing shall
pay the witnesses, and also all the costs attending his appeal. |
Allowance to
witnesses, &c. |