WHEREAS Isaac Redgrave, of Kent county,
is now confined in the gaol of the said county under
an execution at the suit of the state, as one of the
securities of Thomas Boyer, of Kent county, deceased:
And whereas differences have taken place between the
said Isaac Redgrave and Benjamin
Hatcheson, another of the securities of the said Thomas Boyer, who, together
with the said Isaac Redgrave,
after the death of the said Thomas Boyer, undertook the collection of the
public balances,
respecting the proportion of the collection to which each is liable, which
might be ascertained by a
submission of the settlement of their accounts to the decision of two disinterested
neighbours; RESOLVED,
That the sheriff of Kent county be and is hereby empowered and ordered
to release the said
Isaac Redgrave from further confinement, provided that the said Isaac Redgrave
has not been taken, or
does not stand committed, on any other execution; and provided always,
that the said release shall
not, in any manner, affect the claim of the state, or
prevent from issuing any new execution
hereafter against the said Isaac Redgrave or the said Benjamin Hatcheson.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore advance a sum of money, not exceeding
two hundred pounds, for the purpose of building and finishing a number
of pews in the church in
the city of Annapolis, sufficient for accommodating the governor and council
and the members of
the general assembly, agreeably to an act, entitled, An act for building
a new church in the city of
Annapolis, in St. Anne's parish.
WHEREAS sundry debtors, in virtue of
certain resolutions assented to by the general assembly of
this state, discharged their bonds and accounts in final settlement certificates
which had an interest due
thereon previous to the first day of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-five,
and the said resolutions
authorised a payment of such bonds and accounts in final settlement certificates
bearing an interest
only from the said first day of January, and it is reasonable that the
surplus interest should be allowed
to them; therefore RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be
and he is hereby directed
to pay the amount of such surplus interest in three per cent. stock belonging
to this state, after
existing appropriations on such stock shall have been satisfied.
WHEREAS Job Garretson, of Baltimore
county, purchased confiscated property, and bonded to
the state on the 11th day of September, 1781, for £. 5062 10 0, and
a dispute arose between the said
Garretson and the state about the said purchase, and a hearing being had
before the chancellor, and a
perpetual injunction decreed against the state, so that the property bonded
for has been given up by
said Garretson and received by the state's agent; RESOLVED, That the treasurer
of the western shore
be and he is hereby authorised and directed to deliver up to the said Garretson
his bond given to the
state on the 11th day of September, 1781, for the sum of £. 5062
10 0.
WHEREAS the compensation allowed to
the trustee under the act respecting the creditors and
debtors of this state, passed at the last session of assembly, after the
first year, is inadequate to the services
required of him; RESOLVED, That the said trustee shall be entitled to receive,
as a compensation for
his services for the ensuing year, the sum of two hundred pounds, instead
of the salary in the said act
mentioned; but provided the time of subscribing to the loan proposed by
congress should be extended
during their present session, then the said trustee shall be entitled to
receive the sum of two hundred
and fifty pounds for his services.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general
be and he is hereby authorised and directed to suspend all
proceedings against James McHenry, surviving partner of John and James
McHenry, till the end of
the next session of assembly.
WHEREAS at the last session of assembly
a resolution was passed, suspending the execution issued
against Thomas Miles, of Baltimore county, on his bond
in the treasury, as security of Abraham
Britton, and that no further process should issue on the said bond until
the chancellor should decree on
the bill of complaint then depending before him by the said Thomas Miles,
or until the end of the present
session of assembly: And whereas no decree hath yet been made on
the said bill of complaint, and
it is probable that no decree will be made thereon before the end of the
present session; RESOLVED,
That the execution issued against Thomas Miles on his
bond in the treasury, as security for Abraham
Britton, be and is hereby further suspended, and that no process issue
on the said bond until the chancellor
shall decree on the bill of complaint, now depending before him, by the
said Thomas Miles,
or until the end of the next session of assembly.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general
assembly, by William Allein, of Calvert county, that
he has established a snuff manufactory in said county, and prays the assistance
of the legislature in the
prosecution of the said work, and the general assembly is willing to promote
the same; RESOLVED,
That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised
and directed to advance to the
said William Allein the sum of three hundred pounds current
money, on loan for five years, to be
applied towards carrying on a snuff manufactory in Calvert county, on he
the said William Allein
giving bond to the state, with such security as the said treasurer shall
approve of, conditioned for the
applying the said money for the purpose of carrying on
a snuff manufactory in Calvert county, and for
payment of the said sum, with interest thereon, to the treasurer of the
western shore, on or before
the first day of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven.
WHEREAS John Frederick Amelung borrowed
of the state one thousand pounds, for the purpose
of promoting a glass manufactory in this state, which,
under his conduct, has been of great public
benefit and advantage, and from unexpected and heavy losses, the said Amelung
cannot, without
great injury to his manufactory, repay the same unto the state at the times
it will be payable; RESOLVED,
That the said John Frederick Amelung shall be entitled to receive the same
indulgence as
to the times of payment, that the other debtors to the
state, who have or might have installed, will
be entitled to under the act passed this session for
the appointing an agent, on complying with the
terms as to security prescribed by the said act.
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