RESOLUTIONS assented to
shall pay to the trustee the interest therein from the
first of October last to the first of January
WHEREAS William A. Needham, by his
petition to this general assembly, hath set forth,
that he was a sergeant in the late American army, and received a wound
by a musket ball which
passed through his body, and has rendered him incapable of gaining a subsistence
by labour; and this
assembly considering it reasonable that the same relief should be extended
to the said William A.
Needham, as to others in similar circumstances, RESOLVED, That the governor
and council be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered to grant unto the said William
A. Needham, in future,
half of the monthly pay which he the said William A. Needham received in
the continental service,
by orders drawn quarterly on the treasurer of the western shore for the
same, and that the same be
charged to the United States.
WHEREAS it appears to this general
assembly, that Abraham Gambell, late a soldier in the first
Maryland regiment, was wounded through the shoulder at Camden, on the twenty-fifth
of April,
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, by means whereof he is unable
to support himself by
labour, and this general assembly considering it reasonable that the same
relief should be extended to
the said Abraham Gambell as to others in similar circumstances; RESOLVED,
That the governor
and council be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to grant unto
the said Abraham Gambell,
in future, such sum as, with the allowance he receives from the United
States, will be equal to
half of the monthly pay which he the said Abraham Gambell received when
in the continental service,
by orders drawn quarterly on the treasurer of the western shore for the
same, and that the same
be charged to the United States.
RESOLVED, That James Haynie, collector of the public
taxes in Somerset county for the year
1781, be and he is hereby discharged from a bond by him given to the state
of Maryland on the
_____ day of _____, 1786, to secure the payment of the balance then due
from the said
James Haynie, as collector aforesaid, for treble taxes, including an interest
thereon; and that the
treasurer of the eastern shore deliver up the said bond to the said James
Haynie to be cancelled; provided,
that if the sum or sums of money already paid into the treasury by the
said James Haynie for
the said treble taxes, and interest on the said bond, shall not amount
to the sums of money received
and collected by the said James Haynie from the persons liable to the said
treble tax, the said James
Haynie shall first pay to the treasurer of the eastern shore such further
sum of money, including his
commission, as shall amount to the whole of such receipts and collections,
to be ascertained by the
oath of the said James Haynie, to be administered by the said treasurer,
and he paying all legal cost,
if any.
RESOLVED, That Margaret Fisher, the executrix of Adam
Fisher, late collector of the tax of
Frederick county, and her securities, be and they are hereby released from
the debt due by them to
the state, upon their paying to the state the sum of fifteen hundred pounds
in such certificates as may
be receivable in payment of arrearages of taxes, and indemnifying the state
from all costs accruing
on suits or executions on their bonds; and upon the securities producing
to the governor and council
the certificate of George Murdock and Richard Potts, Esquires, that they
have secured to Margaret
Fisher, during her life, the annual interest of the balance remaining due
on the said bond, after payment
of the said sum of fifteen hundred pounds, and to her children, the principal
to be equally divided
between them at her death.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered to
contract with some skilful person to make the necessary repairs to the
government house, and that they
draw orders on the treasurer of the western shore, not exceeding the sum
of seven hundred and fifty
pounds, who is hereby directed to pay the same out of any unappropriated
money in his hands, for
the purpose of making the necessary repairs to the said house.
RESOLVED, That the half pay of a captain on the British
establishment be allowed to William
Fitzhugh, of Calvert county, to be computed by the auditor from the third
day of September, in the
year seventeen hundred and eighty-three, until the first day of November,
seventeen hundred and
ninety-one, and that the treasurer of the western shore be authorised and
directed to issue a certificate,
bearing legal interest, therefor to the said William Fitzhugh.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be
and is hereby authorised to pay unto
Benjamin Galloway the sum of thirty-three pounds eleven shillings and nine-pence
that being the sum by him paid to the collector of the tax for Montgomery
county on property assessed
in that county, which property was also assessed in Frederick county, and
the assessment due thereon
paid to the collectors of the said county.
WHEREAS it appears by the report of the trustee that
many holders of certificates, received by
them in lieu of continental certificates under the act of November session,
1782, have subscribed the
same to the loan of the United States, and have received stock therefor
of the following descriptions
and amount: Of six per cents. 45,126 dollars and 17/100ths,
three per cents. 33,844 dollars and 62/100ths,
deferred, 22,563 dollars and 0/100ths:
And whereas the said trustee has subscribed the original continental
certificates that were received in lieu of those issued under the said
act of 1782: And whereas
the act of congress requires that certificates issued by any states in
lieu of continental certificate, shall
be exchanged or redeemed before interest can be paid on either description;
therefore, RESOLVED,
That the trustee be and he is hereby directed to set apart and decline
drawing interest on, or if necessary,
to transfer to the United States, so much of the different kinds of stock
belonging to this
state as will amount to the sum so subscribed by persons who possessed
the certificates issued under
the act of November session, 1782; and resolved, that resolved, that the
said trustee be directed, in case the
time for subscribing to the assumption loan should be extended by congress,
to set apart and decline
drawing interest on, or if necessary to transfer, in like manner, to the
United States, for any further
sum of such certificates as may hereafter be subscribed.