UPON the second reading of the report
on the petition of William McLaughlin, RESOLVED,
That the state agent be and is hereby empowered to give credit for sums
of money charged against
collectors of the tax that arose on property belonging to subjects of the
French king, which was
suspended by law from collection, provided the said collectors make it
appear to his satisfaction that
they have not received from the subjects of France the sums as aforesaid,
or if they have received the
same, that they have afterwards refunded to the said subjects the money
so received.
RESOLVED, That the treasure of the
western shore be an he is hereby authorised and directed
to examine and ascertain all payments of interest made
in specie between the fourth day of July,
seventeen hundred and seventy-six, and the first day of December, seventeen
hundred and eighty-nine,
on bonds taken on the loan of the emissions of paper money of seventeen
hundred and sixty-nine
and seventeen hundred and seventy-three, and to liquidate and refund the
amount of such payments
to the persons on said bonds, or their legal representatives, claiming
the same by the first day
of December, seventeen hundred and ninety-two, by granting a certificate
for the amount of the said
payments, which shall be payable and discountable for any public taxes
due since the first day of January,
seventeen hundred and eighty-three; provided, that the benefit of this
resolution shall not be
extended to persons who paid any part of the principal of their debt in
continental money after the
first day of January, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven.
WHEREAS Joseph Parker, of Cæcil
county, by his petition to this general assembly, hath set
forth, that Edward Parker, of said county, in his life-time, purchased
of the state a tract or parcel
of land in East Nottingham, in said county, being one of the tracts known
by the name of the Nottingham
Lot Lands, held under equitable titles from the proprietors
of Pennsylvania, before the
boundary line between Pennsylvania and Maryland was established; that the
said Edward Parker had
the same laid off and surveyed to him, but died without obtaining a patent;
that since the death of
the said Edward Parker the said land was taken by the sheriff of Cæcil
county in virtue of a fieri facias
issued on a judgment outstanding against the estate of the said Edward
Parker, and was sold and
conveyed by the said sheriff to a certain Charles Brookins,
and by him sold and conveyed to the petitioner;
and prayed that he may be entitled to a patent for the said land on the
same terms with other
purchasers of Nottingham Lot Lands; RESOLVED, That the said Joseph Parker
shall be entitled to
a patent for the said land upon paying therefor, according to the rate
and on the terms prescribed by
the second section of the act, entitled, An act for the relief of certain
purchasers of confiscated property,
passed at November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, except
only, that the said
Joseph Parker shall make payment in specie, and not in certificates as
by the said act directed.
WHEREAS it appears to the general assembly,
that Joseph Dawson, late a soldier in the fifth
Maryland regiment in the service of the United States, is disabled from
wounds received at the
battle of the Eutau Springs, and is at certain times rendered incapable
of getting a livelihood; therefore,
RESOLVED, That his excellency the governor of Maryland, for the time being,
be and he is
hereby authorised and empowered to grant unto the said Joseph Dawson, in
future, half of the monthly
pay which he the said Dawson received in the continental service, by orders
drawn quarterly on the
treasurer of the western shore for the same, and that the same be charged
to the United States.
WHEREAS it appears, from the muster-rolls
and other documents, that there remains a considerable
sum due to the officers and soldiers, and the staff,
belonging to the quota of troops of this
state in the service of the United States, many of whom have made application
to this general assembly
for payment, the time for granting the depreciation of
pay, by the auditor-general, having elapsed;
and it appearing reasonable and right that men, who have
served the public, should be rewarded for
such services; therefore, RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and
they are hereby authorised
and requested to examine the muster-rolls of the Maryland line, and other
documents that may
be offered to them, and make out, in the name of each person who would
have been entitled to the
same under the acts of congress or the laws of this state,
had application been made in time, the
continental army, and direct the auditor-general to issue
a certificate or certificates in the same manner
that the officers and soldiers have heretofore been paid,
and lodge the same in the hands of the western
shore treasurer, to be by him paid, upon being fully ascertained of the
identity of the person applying,
to the several persons claiming, or their legal representatives.
RESOLVED, That the amount of certificates
so issued by charged to the United States, and that
Christopher Richmond be directed to include the same in the settlement
of the accounts between this
state and the United States.
WHEREAS it appears to the general assembly,
that Richard Dorsey, late a captain in the artillery
from Maryland in the service of the United States, is disabled from wounds
received at the battle
of Camden, in South-Carolina, which prevent him from following any occupation
by which a
sustenance may be obtained; therefore, RESOLVED, That his excellency the
governor of Maryland,
for the time being, be and he is hereby authorised and empowered to grant
unto Richard Dorsey, in
future, half of the monthly pay which he the said Dorsey
received in the continental service, by orders
drawn quarterly on the treasurer of the western shore for the same, and
that the same be charged
to the United States.
RESOLVED, That no execution issue against
any debtor of this state until the end of the present
session of assembly; and if any execution or executions have already issued,
they shall be and are
hereby suspended until the end of the present session of assembly.
RESOLVED, That the trustee under the
act of last session respecting the creditors and debtors of
this state, be and he is hereby directed not to transfer, until after the
first day of January next, any
of the six per cent. stock belonging to this state, in lieu of the three
per cent. and deferred stock of
the state creditors who have subscribed their debts under the act of congress;
provided, that this resolution
shall not extend to any case where the person entitled to the transfer
of such six per cent. stock,