RESOLUTIONS assented to
be and he is hereby authorised and empowered to grant
unto Henry Cleland Baker, in future, half of the
monthly pay which he the said Baker received in the continental service,
by orders drawn quarterly on
the treasurer of the western shore for the same, and that the same be charged
to the United States.
WHEREAS Nicholas Ruxton Moore, by his
petition has set forth, that he, having the command
of a troop of light dragoons, was ordered by the governor and council of
the state of Maryland to proceed
to VIrginia, and join the troops there under the command of the marquis
de la Fayette, and in
pursuance thereof did proceed to Virginia, and on his march lost two horses
belonging to the said troop,
and consequently was obliged to procure two horses of
a certain colonel Clayburn, for the sum of two
hundred pounds current money, and by his certificate
given to the said Colonel Clayburn, made himself
accountable therefor; and it appearing to this general assembly just and
reasonable that the state of Maryland
should pay the same, RESOLVED, That the treasurer of
the western shore of the state of Maryland
pay unto the said Nicholas Ruxton Moore the sum of two hundred and forty-two
pounds eight shillings
and three-pence current money, which sum includes interest,
and cost of suit recovered by a judgment
against the said Nicholas Ruxton Moore, and the same be charged to the
United States.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested
to forward, without delay, the above and
similar resolutions, with the vouchers upon which they are respectively
founded, to Christopher Richmond,
at Philadelphia, in order that he may include the same
in the accounts of the state of Maryland
against the United States.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general
assembly, by the petition of Thomas Hyde, of the city
of Annapolis, that on the twenty-first day of June, seventeen
hundred and eighty-one, he paid to the
treasurer of the western shore the sum of twelve pounds one shilling and
three-pence, on account of
Perkins, Buchanan and Brown, merchants, London, pursuant to the act of
assembly made at a session
begun the seventeenth day of October, seventeen hundred and eighty; that
since that time he has settled
all accounts with the said Perkins, Buchanan and Brown, and praying a return
of the money paid into
the treasury as aforesaid; and the said facts appearing to this general
assembly to be true, RESOLVED,
That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Thomas Hyde the aforesaid
sum of twelve pounds one
shilling and three-pence, being the same money heretofore deposited in
the treasury as aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and is hereby authorised and directed to
pay to James O'Bryon the sum of forty-nine pounds six
shillings and four-pence, which sum appears to
have been paid by him to the treasurer of the eastern shore, as collector
of the tax for Queen-Anne's
county in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six, on account of insolvencies,
which could not be ascertained
at the time he was compelled to settle his accounts with the commissioners
of the tax for the
county aforesaid, and which sum of forty-nine pounds six shillings and
four-pence he appears to be entitled
to on account of insolvencies for the year aforesaid, by a certificate
of the commissioners aforesaid.
WHEREAS William Augustine Washington,
of Virginia, is entitled to one twelfth part of the
property of the late Principio Company, heretofore sold
by commissioners in virtue of the acts for the
confiscation of British property: And whereas the said William Augustine
Washington has not received
his full share of the said property, and has presented in his memorial
to the general assembly of Maryland,
stating, that there is a large sum of money due him, not only on account
of the sales of the said property
so as aforesaid made by the said commissioners, but also on account of
an unequal allotment of property
of the said company made to Thomas Russell, late of Cæcil county,
under the authority of this state,
and for certain sums of money due him from the said company; which said
balance this legislature cannot
conveniently ascertain; RESOLVED, That William Campbell, Esquire, of Annapolis,
and Robert
Denny, Esquire, be appointed to examine the claims stated in the memorial
of the said William Augustine
Washington, and finally to adjust, liquidate, ascertain and award, the
balance which shall appear to be
due to the said William Augustine Washington for his said claim; and if
the said referrees differ in their
opinion, they are hereby directed to choose a third person, and the award
of any two to be conclusive;
and the said arbitrators shall have full power and authority to call upon
the attorney-general of this state,
or any other person or persons they may have reason to believe are acquainted
with the affair in dispute,
to give information touching the same; provided, that the said William
Augustine Washington shall,
before the commissioners and referrees proceed to examine and adjust the
said claim, give his bond to the
state of Maryland, in the sum of six thousand pounds current money, conditioned
for the performances
of the said award on the part of the said William Augustine Washington.
And whereas, although this legislature
cannot ascertain the exact balance due to the said William
Augustine Washington, but as there appears a considerable sum owing him,
to which no objection can
justly be made: And whereas this legislature are desirous not to
retain, further than can be done with
propriety, the money claimed by the said William Augustine Washington,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer
of the western shore be directed to pay to the said William Augustine Washington
the sum of one
thousand pounds, on account of his said claim.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council
of this sate be and are hereby directed to take the bond
of the said William Augustine Washington, which is before mentioned, and
to receive the award of the
said William Campbell and Robert Denny, and of the third person so as aforesaid
chose, if necessary;
and, upon the same being lodged with the governor and council, that the
treasurer of the western shore
is hereby directed to issue certificates to the said William Augustine
Washington for the amount of the
sum found to be due him by the commissioners and referrees aforesaid, with
legal interest thereon to be
paid annually; which said certificates shall be receivable for any debt
due the state of Maryland, and be
charged on the same funds as the other specie certificates of this state.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general
be and he is hereby requested to inquire into the legality of
the adjudication of the commissioners, as to the lines of My Lady's Manor,
under a commission to
mark and bound the said lines, lately issued out of Baltimore county court,
and if, in his opinion, the
state will be injured by an acquiescence in the said adjudication, to take
the most effectual, and, at the
same time, the least expensive, steps, to call in question and try the
same at the costs of the state; and if,
in his opinion, the said adjudication is lawful, and ought to stand, to
report such his opinion to the next
general assembly, with the reason thereof.