GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
V. And be it
enacted, That if any person or persons, by violence or force,
take swine or geese, or any of them, out of the possession of any person
or persons
seizing and securing the same by virtue of this act, without first paying
as aforesaid,
and shall be thereof convicted, either by confession or verdict, such person
or persons
shall be fined in the sum of ten pounds current money for every such offence. |
Penalty on
persons taking
swine, &c.
by violence,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That if any person or persons shall be sued or impleaded
for any thing done by virtue of this act, the defendant may plead the
general issue, and give this act and the special matter in evidence, and
if the
plaintiff shall be nonsuit, or discontinue his suit, he shall pay treble
costs, and
such damages as the court shall adjudge. |
Persons may
plead the general
&c. |
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of Harford county
court, and for other purposes. |
Passed December
27. |
WHEREAS before the commencement of the act for the
better administration
of justice in the several counties of this state, the justices
of Harford county court, at their meeting in the month of February
last, omitted to adjourn the said court, whereby all causes, pleas, process
and proceedings,
both civil and criminal, in the same court depending, were discontinued, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all causes, pleas,
process and proceedings, both civil and criminal, (except as hereafter
which were depending, and undetermined, in the said county court, at their
said meeting in February, shall be continued to the next county court,
to be held
for the said county on the second Monday in March next, and shall be adjudged
and taken, to all intents and purposes, to be in the same state and condition,
the said term in March next, as if the said court had been adjourned as
by law
required, and the said causes, pleas, process and proceedings, regularly
and lawfully
continued from term to term; and that the justices of the said county
may, at their said next term, proceed to hear and determine, or further
and thereafter hear and determine, the said causes, pleas, process and
respectively, as the case may require, as fully and effectually as
the same might
or lawfully could have been done at their term in March last, if the said
had not happened: Provided nevertheless, that in case any plaintiff
plaintiffs in any suit or suits so discontinued, hath or have renewed his
or their
action or actions, and caused the defendant or defendants therein to be
such action or actions shall not be taken or deemed within the provisions
of this
act. |
Causes, &c.
&c. |
III. And,
whereas the justices of the said court, at the last term, in August, adjourned
to the court in course, and, without legislative provision, the
sheriff of the said county cannot give bond until the second Monday in
next, Be it enacted, That the justices
of the said county court, or the chief
justice alone, or his associates, are hereby authorised and required to
meet, and
hold a court, on the second Monday of December next, for the purpose of
bond from the sheriff of the said county, and his securities, and that
the bond
so taken shall be as good and available, to all intents and purposes, as
if the
justices aforesaid had adjourned the said court to the second Monday in
aforesaid, and then met and taken the same. |
Justices to
meet, &c. |
An additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide
for the appointment of commissioners for the regulation
improvement of Easton, in Talbot county, and to establish
regulate a market at the said town. |
Passed December
27. |
WHEREAS the powers granted to the commissioners
by the original
act to which this is a supplement, are deemed insufficient, by means
whereof the commissioners have not made such regulations as are
absolutely necessary for the regulation and improvement of the town; |
Preamble. |