VII. |
other diseases, is rendered unable to provide any support, either by
labour or
otherwise, therefore prays some provision may be made for his support
and maintenance;
and the facts appearing to this general assembly to be true, |
Justices to assess
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Saint-Mary's county shall have full power and authority annually to
assess on the
assessable property in the said county, such sum of money as they may deem
sufficient for the support and maintenance of the said James Mills, son
of John,
provided the sum to be allowed shall not exceed twenty pounds current money
for any year that such allowance may be thought necessary by the said
justices. |
Passed December
27. |
An ACT for erecting a village at Choptank Bridge, in Caroline
county, and for other purposes
therein mentioned. |
&c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Thomas Hughlett,
Charles Emory, Edward White, junior, David Whiting and William
Hughlett, or any three or more of them, be and are hereby appointed
commissioners to survey, on or before the first day of March next, any
of land, not exceeding one hundred acres, contiguous to Choptank Bridge,
Caroline county, and the same, when surveyed, to be erected into a village,
to be called and known by the name of Greensborough, and a correct and
accurate certificate and plot thereof returned to the clerk of Caroline
court, who is hereby required to record the same among the land records
of the
said county, and to keep the original plot in his said office, and a certified
from the original, or the record thereof, shall be conclusive evidence
as to the
bounds and lines of said village. |
Who shall levy
&c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or a major part of them,
shall have full power to levy, assess and take, by way of distress (if
from the inhabitants of said village, by even and equal proportions, (agreeable
their property held in said village, and assessed by the county assessor,)
a sum not
exceeding five pounds current money, to defray the expence of surveying
the said
village, and for recording the certificate. |
Swine, &c.
may be secured,
&c. |
III. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and
may be lawful for any person or persons residing within the limits of the
village, after the first day of March next, to seize and secure any swine
or geese
that be found at large within the limits of the village aforesaid, belonging
to any
person residing therein, and the same retain in his, her or their possession,
the owner or owners thereof shall pay the sum of five shillings for
every hog or
half dozen of geese, and a proportionable sum for every goose, so taken
up, one
half for the use of the person or persons taking up and securing the same,
the other half for the use of the poor in said county; and, in case the
owner or
owners of swine and gees seized and secured as aforesaid, shall not, within
days after notice of such seizure, pay the aforesaid sum of five shillings
for every
hog or half dozen geese, and in proportion for every goose, seized as aforesaid,
the person or persons seizing the same, in such case the whole of such
seizure shall
be absolutely forfeited for the uses aforesaid, and it shall be lawful
for the person
or persons seizing to sell the same, by public vendue, in the said village,
five days, between nine and ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day,
and to
apply the monies arising from such sale to the uses aforesaid. |
Fines to be
paid over,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That if any person or persons receiving fines or forfeitures
under this act, shall not, within ten days after the receipt thereof, pay
over to the trustees of the poor of Caroline county one half of the money
received, such person or persons shall forfeit the whole of the money so
for the use of the poor of said county; which money, so forfeited,
may be recovered
by the trustees aforesaid in the same manner as other debts due the trustees
may be recovered. |