GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
sixty-eight, purchased from Josias Slade four acres of land for the
use of the
church of the said parish of Saint-John's, for the sum of thirty pounds
money, and the said Slade contracted to convey the same to the said rector
vestry; that since a church was erected on the said four acres of ground,
that since that time the parish of Saint-John's has been divided, and
a part of
the said parish called the Parish of Saint-James; that the four acres of
aforesaid are, in consequence of the said division, in Saint-James's parish;
that the title to the said four acres never was in the said Slade, but
was vested by
the law of confiscation, and now is, in the state of Maryland; and prayed
the act may pass relinquishing the right of the state in the said four
acres, and
vesting the same in the said vestry of Saint-James's parish; |
V. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all the right,
title and interest, of the state of Maryland, in and to the aforesaid four
acres of
land, be and it is hereby released and relinquished, and the same fully
and completely
vested in the vestry of Saint-James's parish aforesaid, and their successors,
for ever, as their estate and inheritance for the use of the church of
the said
parish. |
Right released,
&c. |
An ACT to appoint commissioners to sell and dispose of certain
lands belonging to Stepney parish, in Somerset county,
and to
apply the money arising from the sales thereof. |
Passed December
27. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of
the inhabitants of Stepney parish, in Somerset county, that in the
purchase of land for erecting and building a chapel on in the town of
Salisbury, in said parish, more was bought than was necessary for that
and that the said parish is in considerable arrears, for the payment of
which there
is no fund: And whereas it is further represented, that the surplus
land may be
laid of fin lots, and sold to great advantage, and enable the said parish
to discharge
the debts against it, and provide a fund for the keeping the church and
chapels of said parish in repair; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Stone,
Francis Hutchins Waters, William Done, George Day Scott, George Robertson,
Esquire, Charles Dashiell, senior, and Tubman Lowes, be and they are hereby
appointed commissioners for the purpose of carrying this act into execution;
the said commissioners, or any five of them, are hereby authorised and
to lay off all the ground belonging to the parish of Stepney, in the
town of
Salisbury, except the ground wherein the chapel stands, with one acre adjoining
the same, in lots, as they may think most convenient, and sell, and convey
in fee-simple,
any and all of the said lots, either at public or private sale, to any
or persons, as they may find most advantageous, and pay the money arising
the sale thereof to the select vestry of said parish for the time being,
who are
hereby authorised and empowered, upon receipt of the said money from said
to discharge the debts now existing against said parish, and place the
balance that may remain in their hands out to interest, upon bond with
good and
sufficient security, taken in the name of the said select vestry, in
trust for the use
and benefit of the said parish, the interest whereof shall be paid annually,
applied by said select vestry to the purpose of keeping the church and
chapels of
said parish of Stepney in repair. |
&c. |
An ACT to enable the justices of Saint-Mary's county to assess
a sum of money on the said county for the support of
Mills, son of John, of the said county. |
Passed December
27. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of
James Mills, son of John, that from a variety of circumstances he
is reduced to poverty, and being much afflicted with the gout, and |
Preamble. |