Passed December
27. |
An ACT to authorise the commissioners for building a court-house
at Easton, in Talbot county, to sell and dispose of
old court-house, and for other purposes therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the commissioners
for building a court-house at Easton, in Talbot county,
are of opinion that the spot on which the old court-house now
stands is the most proper sit for the new building: And whereas the
books, and some other things belonging to the public, are deposited in
the said
old court-house; |
to sell the
old court-house,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners
for building a court-house in Talbot county, or the majority of them, are
hereby authorised and empowered to sell and dispose of the old court-house
such person or persons, and on such terms and conditions, as to them shall
most fit, and to dispose of the money arising from the sale thereof in
such manner
as they shall think most proper for carrying into execution the act for
the sid court-house. |
And direct a
repository to
be provided,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
may give notice to, and direct, the clerk of Talbot county, and the register
wills for the said county, to provide each of them a safe and convenient
within the limits of the town of Easton, for the records, books, papers,
book cases, writing desks, and other things belonging to the public, then
in the said clerk's and register's offices; and that the said clerk and
register of
wills shall, within thirty days from the time of such notice, provide,
penalty of fifty pounds, each of them a safe and convenient repository,
the limits of the town of Easton, into which they shall each of them, under
the aforesaid penalty, within ten days after he shall have provided
the repository
aforesaid, remove all the records, books, papers, book cases, writing desks,
other thing belonging to the public, and then being in each of their offices,
there to be kept by, and under the care of, the said clerk and register
of wills in
the same manner as before their removal. |
Clerk, &c. on
notice, to remove
IV. And be it
enacted, That the clerk of Talbot county, and the register of
wills for said county, shall, under the same penalty as aforesaid, within
ten days
after they shall have notice from the commissioners aforesaid, or a majority
them, that fit and convenient rooms are finished in the new court-house,
ready for the reception of the records, books, papers, and other things
to the public, each of them remove and place in such newly prepared room
by the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall to each of them
allotted, all such records, books, papers, and other things belonging to
the public,
as shall then be in his custody and possession as clerk of the county of
and register of wills for said county, and that the said rooms be from
deemed the clerk's office of Talbot county, and the office of the register
wills of the said county of Talbot. |
Expences to
be allowed,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That all reasonable expences incurred by the said clerk
of the county, and the said register of wills, in removing the said records,
papers, and other things belonging to the public, and in providing a repository
for the same, shall be allowed in the county levy, and the justices
of peace of the
said county of Talbot are hereby empowered to levy and assess the same
on the
assessable property of the said county of Talbot. |
Passed December
27. |
An ACT for the benefit of the vestry of Saint-James's parish, in
Baltimore county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the vestry of Saint-James's parish, in Baltimore
have represented to this general assembly, that the rector and vestry
of Saint-John's parish, in said county, in seventeen hundred and |