RESOLUTIONS assented to November Session, 1790.
and William Smith the sum of twelve hundred and thirteen
pounds nineteen shillings and eleven-pence
halfpenny, with interest on the sum of six hundred and
forty-two pounds seventeen shillings
and four-pence from the first of September, seventeen
hundred and eighty-five, and the said resolution
authorised a payment of such bonds in final settlement
certificates bearing an interest only
from the said first day of January, and it is reasonable
that the surplus interest shall be allowed to
them; therefore, RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and he is hereby directed
to pay the amount of such surplus interest, in indents,
to all debtors who have discharged their bonds
in virtue of the said resolution, or to their legal representatives.
WHEREAS sundry debtors, in virtue of
a resolution assented to at April session, seventeen hundred
and eighty-seven, discharged their bonds in final settlement
certificates, which had an interest
due thereon previous to the first day of January, seventeen
hundred and eighty-five, and the said resolution
authorised a payment of such bonds in final settlement
certificates bearing an interest only
from the said first day of January, and it is reasonable
that the surplus interest should be allowed to
them; therefore, RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and he is hereby directed
to pay the amount of such surplus interest, in indents,
to all debtors who have discharged their bonds
in virtue of the said resolution, or to their legal representatives.
RESOLVED, That the auditor be and he
is hereby authorised and directed to settle with, and grant
a certificate or certificates for depreciation of pay
unto, John Lanham, late a soldier in the first Maryland
regiment, on the same terms and in the same manner that
depreciation of pay hath been heretofore
granted to officers and soldiers of the Maryland line.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council
be authorised and empowered to contract with the
clerk of the general court of the western shore to transcribe
such of the records and dockets of the
said court as are defaced, to complete the said records
from the year 1765 to the time of the appointment
of Mr. Hodgkin, and to make the necessary alphabets where
there are none, and also a general
alphabet, to separate and sort all the papers of the
office, up to the time aforesaid, and arrange them
in proper bundles, in alphabetical order, and to have
all the said records well bound with good strong
lines, and well secured in cases, and also for the binding
of the said records where necessary; and
that the governor and council pay the said clerk, and
defray all expences which may accrue in the
work, by draughts on the treasury, to be paid out of
any monies unappropriated.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered
to contract with the register of the land-office for
the transcribing such of the records and alphabets
of the said office as are defaced, and for the binding
of the record books where necessary, and that
the record books be covered with good strong linen if
necessary; that the governor and council contract
with the register of wills for Anne-Arundel county to
transcribe such of the records and alphabets
of the prerogative office as are defaced, to continue
and complete the general alphabet, to complete
the records of the said office, and for binding the record
books where necessary, that the record
books be covered with good strong linen, and that the
records and papers be secured in cases; that
the governor and council contract with the register in
chancery for completing the records of said
office, that the record books by covered with good strong
linen if necessary; and that they defray the
expence of the aforesaid contract, by draughts on the
treasury, out of any unappropriated money.
RESOLVED, That all money which shall
be paid into the treasury of the western shore under
the directions of William Campbell, agent for the state,
during the year seventeen hundred and
ninety-one, shall be and is hereby appropriated, in the
first place, to the payment of the civil list for
the said year.
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general
be and he is hereby empowered to adjust and settle, subject
to the direction of the governor and council, all open
and unsettled accounts between the state
and individuals, and in making the said settlements the
auditor and the governor and council may
proceed upon equitable principles, and receive such vouchers
as may be satisfactory to them, although
not strictly legal; that all accounts examined and passed
by the auditor shall be signed by him, and
the said accounts shall be carried to the governor and
council, or to the council in the absence of the
governor, for their approbation, who, if they approve,
may order the treasurer of the western shore
to issue a certificate for the amount of the balance,
who shall issue accordingly, and the persons in
whose favour the the said orders shall be drawn, shall
respectively give a receipt upon the accounts, which
shall be carried without delay to the auditor, that the
time may be entered in his books; and that in
case the said auditor refuse to act, die, resign, or
remove out of the state, in the recess of the house
of delegates, the governor and council may appoint a
proper person to such vacant office, to hold the
same until the next meeting of the house of delegates.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council
be and they are hereby empowered to employ an agent
to superintend the collection of all balances due to
the state upon open account, and allow him such
compensation for his services as they may think proper,
not exceeding five per cent. on the amount
of all money paid into the treasury under his agency.
RESOLVED ALSO, That the said auditor
and agent keep distinct accounts of their proceedings under
the foregoing resolutions, and lay the same before the
next general assembly for their inspection
and examination.
RESOLVED, That Christopher Richmond
be and he is appointed a commissioner for this state,
to superintend the settlement of the accounts of this
state with the United States; and that the said
Christopher Richmond shall be allowed, for his and a
clerk's services, during the time he shall be
employed in his agency, at the rate of six hundred pounds
current money per annum.
WHEREAS by a resolution passed at May
session, 1788, the treasurer of the eastern shore was
directed to pay to Mary Wiley, or her order, the sum
of one hundred and five pounds current money,
with legal interest thereon from 15th June, 1785; which
hath not been paid, because the said treasurer
hath had no unappropriated money in his hands; therefore,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore pay to the said Mary Wiley, or her assigns
or legal representatives, the said sum of one