RESOLUTIONS assented to November Session, 1790.
hundred and five pounds current money, with legal interest
thereon from 15th June, 1785; and that
the said resolution of May session, 1788, be and it is hereby annulled.
RESOLVED, That the two shillings and
six-penny fund tax imposed by the act, entitled, An act
to establish funds to secure the payment of the state debt, and for the
punctual payment of the annual
interest thereon, passed at November session, 1784, which shall be due
for the year 1791, shall be
paid by the people, and by the collectors, in specie only.
THE general assembly having, at this
session, passed an act holding inducements to the creditors
of this state to assume, under the act of congress, the amount of both
principal and interest;
RESOLVED, That the treasurer be directed to pay no interest, nor to allow
any in discount, where
specie is or may be properly demandable, on any certificates issued by
this state, which can be subscribed
under the act of congress making provision for the debt of the United States.
RESOLVED, That if any debtors of this
state shall subscribe any certificates issued by this state,
to the loan proposed by the congress of the United States, the treasure
of the western shore shall have
power, and he is hereby directed, to credit such debtors
by the amount of the sums respectively subscribed
by them, on their transferring the stock to which they shall be entitled
by their subscriptions
respectively, to the trustee for this state, appointed by, or to be appointed
in virtue of, the act passed
at this session, entitled, An act respecting the creditors and debtors
of this state.
A LIST of the LAWS passed last SESSION.
AN ACT to enable the judges of the court of appeals to
continue certain causes
now depending before them.
An ACT to make valid certain certificates of survey of
lands formerly in Washington
but now in Allegany county.
An ACT to facilitate the draining of land in the several
counties therein mentioned.
An ACT to enable the honourable John Eager Howard, Esquire,
to convey to the
vestry of Saint Paul's parish, in Baltimore county,
and their successors, a parcel of
ground adjoining the parsonage lot, near Baltimore-town,
for the purposes therein
An ACT to establish a bank in Baltimore-town.
An ACT to enable Richard Tilghman Earle to sell and convey
certain property of his
deceased father Richard Tilghman Earle,
An ACT for the benefit of Nicholas Merryman, of Baltimore
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to encourage
the destroying of wolves.
An ACT to repeal certain parts of an act, entitled, An
act to prevent disabled and
superannuated slaves being set free, or the manumission
of slaves by last will and
testament, and of a supplementary act thereto, and for
certain other purposes.
An ACT to alter and change the names of Charles Ridgely
Carnan, and others, according
to the will of captain Charles Ridgely, of Baltimore county, deceased.
An ACT for the removal of the seat of justice from Melville's
Warehouse to Pig Point,
in Caroline county.
An ACT to regulate auctions in Baltimore-town.
An ACT for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors confined
in sundry gaols of this state.
An ACT to provide for the appointment of commissioners
for the regulation and improvement
of Easton, in Talbot county, and to establish and regulate
a market at the
said town.
An ACT for the suppression of fairs throughout this state.
An ACT directing the time, places and manner, of holding
elections for representatives
of this state in the congress of the United States,
and for appointing electors on
the part of this state for choosing a president and
vice-president of the United States,
and for the regulation of the said elections, and to
repeal the act of assembly
therein mentioned.
An ACT to enable the commissioners of Hanover market,
in Baltimore-town, to sell
part of the said market-house and ground thereto adjoining.
An ACT for the relief of Constant Disharoon, of Somerset
An ACT to open a road from Swearingen's ferry on Patowmack
river, in Washington
county, to the iron-works and mills at the mouth of
Anti-eatem, and from thence
into the main road leading to Frederick-town, in Frederick
An ACT to repeal so much of the act concerning marriages
as is therein mentioned.
An ACT for the benefit of Essex Sherburne Ridley, a minor,
son of Matthew Ridley,
An ACT empowering the wardens of the port of Baltimore
to levy and collect the
duty therein mentioned.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide for
the appointment of commissioners
for the regulation and improvement of Easton, in Talbot
county, and to establish
and regulate a market at the said town.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the draining
of a marsh and branch known
by the name of the Long Marsh, lying in Queen-Anne's
and Caroline counties. |