RESOLUTIONS assented to November Session, 1790.
shore for the sum due, in specie, who shall give a certificate
for the sum expressed in the order
agreeably to the directions of the act of assembly passed at May session,
seventeen hundred eighty-one,
entitled, An act to adjust the debts due from this state.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council
be and they are hereby directed to take measures
for entering an appearance to and defending the suit brought against this
state by Messieurs Vanstaphorst,
and that they have power to employ such attornies, counsel and agents,
as they may think
proper, and draw orders on the treasurer of the western shore for such
sums as may, in their opinion,
be necessary for this purpose.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they
are hereby directed to ascertain the
amount of the interest due on the loan of two hundred
and seventy thousand florins, negotiated for
this state by the late Mr. Ridley, computed to the first day of January,
seventeen hundred and ninety-one,
reckoning the same on the principles of simple interest, and estimating
the money paid by the
state at the rate of three shillings current money for each florin; and
that the treasurer of the western
shore pay the said order out of the money now in the treasury lately under
appropriation for the payment
of the said interest.
RESOLVED, That the senators of this
state, in the congress of the United States, be and they are
hereby instructed to use their endeavours to obtain an assumption by the
United States of the debt
due on the loan negotiated for this state, by the late
Mr. Ridley, with Messieurs Nicholas and Jacob
Vanstaphorst; and that the president of the senate, and speaker of the
house of delegates, be requested
to communicate this resolution to the said senators.
RESOLVED, That the governor and the
council be and they are hereby authorised and directed
to take such measures as they shall think proper, in concert with the government
of Virginia, for the
disposal of the materials formerly provided for the erection
of a light-house on the head land of Cape
Henry, in which this state has an interest.
WHEREAS John Frederick Amelung borrowed
of this state the sum of one thousand pounds,
payable in two equal payments, the one at the expiration of three years,
the other at the expiration
of four years, from the time of the loan, for the purpose
of promoting a glass manufactory in Frederick
county: ANd whereas the said John Frederick Amelung has lately met
with a very considerable
and unexpected loss by a great part of his works being consumed by fire,
by which it will be extremely
difficult for the said Amelung to comply with his engagements
to the state without obstruction
and injury to the prosecution of his work; RESOLVED, That the said John
Frederick Amelung
be and he is hereby indulged until the first day of June, in the year seventeen
hundred and ninety-two,
for his first payment, and for the second until the first day of June,
in the year seventeen hundred
and niney-three.
RESOLVED, That the chancellor of the
state of Maryland be and he is hereby authorised to adjust,
or cause to be adjusted, all claims that the securities of Thomas Williams,
late collector of the
taxes in Prince-George's county, have against the state, and liquidate
the same in such manner as to
him shall appear equitable and right, any law to the contrary notwithstanding;
and upon such liquidation
to decree the debt due from the said securities, in which shall be included
such part of the fifteen
shilling additional tax imposed by a supplementary act to the act for raising
supplies for the year
seventeen hundred and eighty-one, as hath been received by the said securities.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and he is hereby directed to receive of the
securities of Thomas Williams, late collector of the taxes in Prince-George's
county, the sum of
one hundred and sixty pounds of the stock created under the act of congress,
bearing an interest of
six per cent. after the year eighteen hundred, for every
hundred pounds of the debt that the chancellor
shall decree to be due on the said Thomas Williams collector's bond, from
the said securities,
and on such payments being made by the said securities, or either of them,
the treasurer shall give
the said securities a receipt therefor in full discharge of all claims
that the state have against them as
securities aforesaid; provided that the same be paid on or before the first
day of August next, and
that all proceedings at law be stayed against the said
securities, on the bonds aforesaid, until that
RESOLVED, That the debtors of Thomas
Williams, late collector of Prince-George's county,
for taxes, and the debtors to the securities, or either of them, of the
said Thomas Williams, in consequence
of the securityship aforesaid, be and are hereby allowed
to satisfy and pay their respective balances
in the deferred stock of the United States, bearing an interest of six
per cent. after the year
eighteen hundred, upon the same terms and conditions that the securities
are permitted to discharge
the debt due from them to the state, or at the value thereof in specie
at the time of payment, such
value to be ascertained monthly by the treasurer of the western shore.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general
assembly, by the petition of Adam Hubley, junior,
that James Chalmers, late of Kent county, in the state
of Maryland, was indebted, by bond and
otherwise, to a certain Robert Field and Thomas Riche, which said bond
was lost; that the auditor-general,
on the first day of September, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-seven,
the aforesaid claims against said Chalmers, amounting to twelve hundred
and thirteen pounds nineteen
shillings and eleven-pence halfpenny, and directed the same to be paid
upon security being given,
that the original bond, lost as aforesaid, if found, should not be a charge
against the state; and it being
represented to this general assembly, that Joseph Nicholson, junior, and
William Smith, as
agents of the executors of the aforesaid Robert Field and Thomas Riche,
deceased, purchased lots
number seven and nine of the real estate of the aforesaid James Chalmers,
and entered into bond for
the payment of the purchase money to the state of Maryland, which said
purchase was made by the
said Joseph Nicholson, junior, and William Smith, as agents, and under
the direction of the executors
of the aforesaid Field and Riche, to secure the claims aforesaid against
the aforesaid James Chalmers:
And whereas, by the laws of this state no person is authorised to take
a bond of indemnity
agreeably to the aforesaid direction of the auditor-general; therefore,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer
of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed to credit
the bond of Joseph Nicholson