RESOLUTIONS assented to November Session, 1790.
bond until the chancellor shall decree on the bill of
complaint now depending before him by the said
Thomas Miles, or until the end of the next session of assembly.
RESOLVED, That the sum of three hundred
and fifty pounds sterling be allowed Samuel Chase,
Esquire, agent for the recovery of the bank stock, for his professional
services in descending and
prosecuting the suits in the chancery court Great-Britain respecting the
bank stock, and for his
expences during his stay in England for that purpose; and that the said
sum be deducted out of the
five hundred pounds sterling advanced by this state to
the said agent to carry on the said suits, the
said agent having agreed to receive the above sum of three hundred and
fifty pounds sterling in full
satisfaction for all professional and other services and expences heretofore
or hereafter to be performed
or expended by him, and that he will not ask from this state any further
compensation than his conditional
commission, and the legal costs and fees, paid or to be paid, on the said
suits in chancery, as
expressed in the resolution of the general assembly at November session,
WHEREAS it is represented by Robert
Dorsey, Thomas Gassaway and Thomas Yates, that
they became securities for John Dorsey, (an insolvent debtor,) for the
purchase of one-eighth part of
the Nottingham Works, and that the sum of two thousand two hundred and
seventeen pounds nineteen
shillings and two-pence hath been paid in part of the said purchase money,
and the said property
hath not been conveyed by the state; that the said Robert Dorsey, Thomas
Gassaway and Thomas
Yates, are not able to pay the balance due for the said property, but have
proposed to give the
same to the state; RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore deliver the bonds of the
said John Dorsey to his respective securities, on his trustees surrendering
up to the state his, the said
John Dorsey's, eighth part of the Nottingham Works, with all the stock
to the same belonging.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorised
to appoint a person to receive the said
property for the use of the state.
WHEREAS by a resolution passed this session, the general
assembly of Maryland has agreed to
advance to the president of the United States, for the purpose of erecting
public buildings upon the
Patowmack river, the sum of seventy-two thousand dollars, payable in three
equal annual payments:
And whereas it is necessary and proper to prescribe the manner and titles
of payment, and to make
same provision and establish a fund for the punctual advance thereof, RESOLVED,
That the treasurer
of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed to pay,
out of the funds hereafter
established, the aforesaid sum of seventy-two thousand dollars, in three
equal annual payments, the
whole of the first payment to become due on the first day of January, 1792,
and the second and
third upon the first days of January, in the year 1793
and 1794; and the president of the United
States, or the commissioners appointed or to be appointed
by the said president under the act of congress,
entitled, An act for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the
government of the
United States, be and they are hereby empowered to draw orders upon the
said treasurer for the purposes
of the said advance, in the proportion aforesaid.
AND, as a fund for the purpose aforesaid,
RESOLVED, That the trustee hereafter to be appointed
for the purpose of subscribing the continental paper now in the treasury,
be and he is hereby authorised
and directed to receive the interest arising from so
much of the said paper to be funded by the
said trustee, as shall remain in his hands after payment
of the compensation allowed by this state to
its subscribing creditors under an act, entitled, An act respecting the
creditors and debtors of this
state, and the money so arising as interest on the said paper, shall, as
soon as received, pay over to
the treasurer of the western shore, to remain in his hands subject to the
orders of the president of the
United States, or the commissioners aforesaid, in the proportion and for
the uses aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be
and he is hereby authorised and directed to
draw and receive, on the part of this state, under the
act of congress, passed 1790, entitled, An act
making provisions for the debt of the United States, the interest arising
upon so much of the sum assumed
by congress by the said act, as shall not be subscribed by the creditors
of this state, and the
same to retain in his hands, subject to the orders of the president or
commissioners aforesaid, in the
proportion and for the use aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That the money arising from
the reserved lands to the westward of Fort Cumberland,
already sold or hereafter to be sold, be and is hereby appropriated as
a further fund for the payment
aforesaid, ad shall be retained in the hands of the treasurer of the western
shore, subject to the orders
of the president and commissioners aforesaid, in the proportion aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That the money arising from
the sales of the lands lying in Dorchester county, and
now in the possession of the tribe of Choptank Indians, be and is hereby
appropriated for the purposes
aforesaid, and shall be subject, in the hands of the treasurer of the western
shore, to the orders of the
president and commissioners aforesaid, in the proportion aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council
be and they are hereby empowered to appoint an
agent to sell and convey the right of this state to one hundred acres of
land at Fort Frederick, in
Washington county, for specie, payable in three equal annual payments,
and the money arising from
the said sale be and is hereby appropriated as a further fund, in the hands
of the treasurer of the
western shore, to discharge the orders of the president and commissioners
aforesaid, in the proportion
and for the use aforesaid.
WHEREAS it appears that Richard Dallam
loaned to the state of Maryland the sum of four
hundred dollars, under a resolve of the general assembly of this state,
begun and held at the city of
Annapolis on Friday the thirty-first day of October, seventeen hundred
and seventy-seven, for which
said sum so loaned the treasurer of the western shore granted, on behalf
of this state, four several certificates,
each for the sum of one hundred dollars, which said certificates were liquidated
by the auditor-general
agreeably to the act of May session, seventeen hundred and eighty-one,
but the governor
and council did not think themselves authorised to pass
an order to the treasurer of the western shore
for the payment of the same agreeably to the act aforesaid,
they considering the time granted for
bringing in such claims to have elapsed; therefore, RESOLVED, That the
certificates aforesaid, liquidated
and passed by the auditor-general, shall be laid before
the governor and the council, who, after
examination thereof, and correcting any error therein,
may give an order on the treasurer of the western