RESOLUTIONS assented to November Session, 1790.
the said lands be relinquished, any former claim to the
said lands on behalf of the state notwithstanding.
WHEREAS it is represented by the petition
of William Moore, one of the executors of Isaac Horsey,
deceased, who was executor of Outerbridge Horsey, late
of Somerset county, deceased, that a certificate,
numbered 1, was granted, on the fifteenth day of September, seventeen hundred
and seventy-eight,
to the said Outerbridge Horsey, by Edward Hindman, then the treasurer of
the eastern shore,
for two thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and one third of
a dollar, which certificate
has hitherto remained unliquidated, on account, as it is alleged, of the
indisposition and insanity of
the said Outerbridge Horsey, wo dies in the year seventeen hundred and
eighty-eight, after the time
limited for the liquidation of such claims; and the general assembly being
desirous that the said certificate
should be liquidated, on proof being made of the above allegation,
therefore, RESOLVED, That
the auditor-general be and he is hereby directed, on receiving satisfactory
proof of the insanity, or
continued indisposition, of the said Outerbridge Horsey, which may have
prevented his application to
the office during the remainder of his life, to liquidate the said certificate,
and to give the said William
Moore the same relief as the party interested would have been entitled
to if application for a settlement
had been made to the proper officer in time.
WHEREAS, by an act of assembly passed
at the session of November, 1788, and a supplement thereto
passed at the session of November, 1789, certain purchasers of confiscated
property were allowed to
discharge their respective bonds, passed to the state for their respective
purchases, by paying, in depreciation,
or other liquidated certificates, at the rate of fifteen pounds for every
hundred acres of
land, provided they should, by the 20th day of March, 1790, make appear
to the satisfaction of the
chancellor, that they were in possession of their respective parts, under
a title derived from the proprietor
or proprietors of Pennsylvania, and should thereon obtain a direction from
the chancellor to
the treasurer of the western shore to deliver up their bonds, on payment
as aforesaid: And whereas a
certain ALexander Wilson did purchase of the then intendant of the revenue
a tract of land called
Mountjoy, containing 141 acres, and a certain William Pearce did purchase
of the said intendant a
tract called Pearce's Lot, containing 108 acres, and a certain Joseph Thomas
did likewise purchase
of the intendant a tract called Joseph Thomas's Land, containing 711/4
acres: And whereas it appears,
from the certificate of the chancellor, that the said Alexander Wilson
and William Pearce,
and the heirs of Joseph Thomas, did, on the 23d day of April last, prove
to his satisfaction, their respective
peaceable possessions in the aforesaid tracts of land, under titles derived
mediately from Pennsylvania,
and that the said tracts are parts of the land called the Welch Tract,
and that the certificates
of the said tracts had been presented to him on the 19th or 20th day of
last March, but the
person who brought them did not produce proof of the holders peaceable
possession and title as aforesaid,
although he brought money, and lodged the same in the treasury to make
payment agreeably to
the aforesaid acts of assembly: And whereas it appears further, by
the certificate of the treasurer of
the western shore, that the said Alexander Wilson and William Pearce, and
the heirs of Joseph Thomas,
did all pay for their respective land at the rate aforesaid. before the
20th day of March, 1790:
And whereas it appears unreasonable that they should suffer from an inattention
of neglect of their
agent, from which the state hath sustained no loss; RESOLVED, That the
treasurer of the western
shore deliver up to the said Alexander Wilson, William
Pearce, and the heirs of the said Joseph Thomas,
respectively, the bonds passed to the state on account of the purchase
of the aforesaid several
tracts of land, they paying all costs and charges of suit, if any suit
has been instituted.
RESOLVED, That the resolution passed
at November session, 1788, for suspending the funds appropriated
to Saint John's college for the purposes of paying professors and other
officers, and for applying
the same to the payment of the interest of the debt due to Messieurs Vanstaphorst,
be and the
same is hereby repealed.
RESOLVED, That the auditor be and he
is hereby authorised and directed to settle with, and
grant certificates for depreciation of pay unto, the
following persons, viz. John Dorrent, late a
soldier in the 7th Maryland regiment, Andrew Hagerty, late a soldier of
the 6th Maryland regiment,
and the legal representatives of James Quay, late a soldier in the first
Maryland regiment in
the same manner and on the same terms that depreciation of pay hath been
heretofore granted to the
troops of this state serving in the armies of the United States.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
eastern shore do retain in his hands, out of the money
appropriated in the use of Washington college, the sum of sixty pounds
seven shillings and six-pence,
and pay the same to colonel William Richardson, executor of Henry Dickinson,
in lieu of the like
sum stolen out of the said treasury in the lifetime of the said Henry Dickinson,
and part of the funds
of the said college.
WHEREAS the resolution of this session
in favour of Elizabeth Dorsey, executrix of Thomas
Dorsey, is defective, and does not sufficiently express the meaning and
intention of the legislature,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised
and directed to
cancel all bonds now in the treasury, whereon any balance may be due, given
to the state by John
Dorsey, Edward Norwood and Thomas Dorsey, and by John Dorsey, Luke Wheeler,
Chase and Thomas Dorsey.
WHEREAS at the last session of assembly
a resolution was passed suspending the execution issued
against Thomas Miles, of Baltimore county, on his bond in the treasury,
as security of Abraham
Britton, and that no further process should issue on the said bond until
the chancellor should decree
on the bill of complaint then depending before him by the sid Thomas Miles,
or until the end of
the present session of assembly: And whereas no decree hath yet been
made on the said bill of complaint,
and it is probable that no decree will be made thereon before the end of
the present session;
RESOLVED, That the execution issued against Thomas Miles, on his bond in
the treasury, as security
for Abraham Britton, be and is hereby further suspended, and that no process
issue on the said