RESOLUTIONS assented to November session, 1790.
RESOLVED, That the president of the
senate and speaker of the house of delegates be requested
to write to the executive of the commonwealth of Virginia, and transmit
a copy of the resolution of
this state respecting an advance of money for the purpose of erecting the
federal buildings.
RESOLVED, That the purchasers of Ebenezer
Mackie's confiscated property be released therefrom,
and that the said property be restored to the said Ebenezer Mackie in the
same manner as if it
never had been confiscated; and that the treasurer of
the western shore be and he is hereby directed
to deliver to the said Mackie his bond now in the office for one third
of said property, purchased by
him at a resale, on condition that the said Mackie pay to the treasurer
aforesaid the amount of all
expences which this state may have incurred by reason
of the confiscation, sale and resale, of the said
property, and all expences incurred by the state in any suit or suits at
law, or in equity, on account
of the said property.
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general
be empowered to examine and liquidate the claim of James
Hutchings, of Queen-Anne's county, against the confiscated estate of Sir
Robert Eden, upon fair
and equitable principles, without regard to the opinion in law of the attorney-general
given upon this subject; and that, upon the liquidation thereof, the treasurer
of the western shore do
issue a certificate to the said James Hutchings for the sum appearing to
be due; provided the sum so
certified shall not exceed the balance of the said estate,
as it appears now stated upon the books of
the auditor; and provided also, that the granting of such certificate,
if it amount to such balance,
shall be entered in the said books for a final settlement of the said estate,
and of all claims against
the same.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and he is hereby directed to receive and
take in the orders heretofore drawn on the treasure of
the eastern shore by the orphans court of Caroline
county in favour of Philip Casson, of the said county, for half pay due
to him as a disabled
officer in the late service of the United States; and that the said treasurer
of the western shore do pay
unto the said Philip Casson the amount of balance due on the said orders,
in the same manner that
half pay disabled officers have heretofore been paid under any act of assembly
of this state; provided
that proof be first made to the said treasurer of the authenticity of the
said orders, and that a certificate,
under the hand of the treasurer of the eastern shore, be produced, to ascertain
what part, if
any, of the said orders hath heretofore been paid.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and he is hereby directed to issue a certificate
to John O'Donnell for the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds current
RESOLVED, That no execution or executions
shall issue against Archibald Job, of Cæcil county,
or his securities, on the several judgments obtained against them, at the
suit of the state of Maryland,
in the eastern shore general court, at September term, 1790, until after
the twentieth of February,
1791; and if any execution or executions have already issued, they shall
be and are hereby
suspended until after the said twentieth of February, 1791, the said Archibald
Job first paying all
costs that have been incurred on the part of the state in the prosecution
of the said suits.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general
of this state be and he is hereby authorised and required
to remit the interest taxed on the judgment recovered by this state against
John Rolph and Benjamin
Hatcheson, upon payment of the principal sum due from them, together with
all costs of suit and
charges of collection, on or before the twentieth day
of February next.
RESOLVED, That the governor and the
council draw an order on the treasurer of the western
shore in favour of major Mountjoy Bayly, for the balance appearing to be
due to him as major-commandant
of the militia and guard over the British prisoners in seventeen hundred
and eighty-one and
seventeen hundred and eighty-two, at Frederick-town, in Frederick county,
with interest thereon
from the first day of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-three, the
amount to be stated by the
auditor-general, and that the said treasurer issue a certificate for the
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and he is hereby authorised to pay to
the commissioners for building a court-house at Easton, for the accommodation
of the general
court on the eastern shore, the sum of two thousand five hundred pounds,
granted by an act of
assembly, entitled, An act for the building a court-house in Talbot county
for the accommodation
of the general court for the eastern shore, and the county of Talbot, out
of any money in the
treasury after the payment of the civil list, and the
journal of accounts of this present session.
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general,
under the direction of the governor and council, be authorised
to audit and settle the claim of Robert Peter against the estate of Adam
Steuart, in the same
manner, and on the same principles, as such claims have been heretofore
adjudged and settled; and if
it should appear to them, that there is any balance due to the said Robert
Peter, and that there are
not debts in the hands of citizens of this state due to the said Adam Steuart,
sufficient to satisfy the
said claim, that they give an order on the treasurer
for a certificate for such balance, provided that
the estate of the said Steuart is sufficient to pay the same, and provided
also that other claims against
the said Steuart be entitled to an equal proportion of the said estate,
and that the said Peters account
for the profits of the lands of the said Adam Steuart while in his hands,
previous to the act of confiscation.
WHEREAS it appears to this general
assembly, that on the 21st of April, 1775, a patent was
granted to George French, for a tract of land called George's Adventure,
containing 456 acres, and
that on the 27th of April and 24th of October, 1776,
patents were granted to the said George French,
for another tract called the Vale, containing 1627 acres, lying to the
westward of Fort Cumberland,
and that the same has been held by the father of the petitioner, and those
claiming under him, since
the year 1769, and have been considerably improved, RESOLVED, that the
right of the state to