JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
payments being completed, the said agent is hereby authorised and directed
to give
them such discharge. |
LXV. |
VII. Be it further
enacted, That the state agent be empowered to allow the
several collectors credit for the amount of all sums charged against them
as arise
from property belonging to subjects of the king of France, and exempted
by law
from taxation. |
Agent may allow
credit, &c. |
VIII. Be it
further enacted, That the said agent shall have power to compound
with Isaac Redgrave, and the securities of Thomas Boyer, of Kent county,
and Samuel Groome Osborn, of Harford county, for the balances by them
due, upon such terms as he may think most for the interest of the state, |
with I. Redgrave,
&c. |
IX. Be it further
enacted, That the said agent be authorised and directed to
collect all duties, fines, forfeitures and amerciaments, due from the sheriffs
of the
several counties in this state, and also all sums of money received for
licences, and other purposes, by the clerks of the respective counties. |
Collect all
duties, &c. |
X. Be it further
enacted, That the said agent, in the execution of this act,
and of the said original act, shall keep distinct accounts of his proceedings
the several subjects aforesaid, and make reports thereof to the next general
assembly for their inspection and examination. |
Keep distinct
accounts, &c. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That the said agent may, in cases of necessity, execute
by deputy any of the powers vested in him by this act, or the act to which
is a supplement. |
ANd act by
deputy. |
An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of
this session, that
there is now due from this state the sum of seven thousand two hundred
and twenty-one pounds ten shillings and seven-pence current money. |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of
the western shore shall and he is hereby authorised and required to pay
the several
persons, their executors, administrators, assigns or orders, or to such
of them as
shall offer to receive the same, the several sums of current money allowed
to them
respectively, as they appear to be settled and ascertained by the said
journal of
accounts, out of any money now in the treasury, or that shall come
into the
treasury, subject to the appropriation of the general assembly. |
Treasurer to
pay the sums
allowed, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That all or any of the public creditors on the journal
may have their election to receive a certificate or certificates from the
treasurer of
the western shore, signed by him, and expressing in the whole of such certificates
the sum of current money due to such creditor or creditors respectively,
certificates shall be payable to the collectors of taxes due on any public
or in the treasury for interest due, or composition on certificates, and
collector may pay any such certificates into the treasury as specie, without
oath concerning his receipt thereof; or if any of the said certificates
shall not be
so discounted, the treasurer of the western or eastern shore shall receive
the said
certificates, and pay the money due thereon to the bearer out of any money
in the treasury, or that shall come into the treasury, and subject
to be appropriated
by the general assembly; and the treasure of the western shore shall, on
request of any person having an allowance on the said journal, and not
taking a
certificate as aforesaid, retain in his hands, of the money which shall
first come
into the treasury, subject as aforesaid, sufficient wherewith to satisfy
such allowance,
or the balance thereof, for which a certificate shall not have been given,
and shall pay the same to the person to whom the same is due, or his
order. |
Creditors may
receive certificates,
&c. |