Penalty on
carrying tobacco
out of
the county,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That if any person
or persons, after the first Monday of February next, shall carry out of
the county
where it was made, either by land or water, any tobacco, either in casks
or parcels
of any kind, until it has been inspected at some public warehouse in
the said
county, unless he or they shall choose to carry it to some one public warehouse
the next adjacent county, such person or persons shall, upon presentment
in any
of the county courts, and conviction thereof, be fined the sum of twenty
for every offence, for the use of the informer. |
Passed December
22. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act respecting the collectors
of the public taxes since the first of January, seventeen
and eighty-three. |
Powers continued. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all powers and
authorities vested in William Campbell, agent for the state, by the
act to
which this is a supplement, shall be and are hereby continued until the
end of the next session of assembly. |
&c. |
II. And,
whereas the said William Campbell hath been appointed by the governor
and council to superintend the collection of the balances due from the
collectors of the two shillings and six-pence fund tax, Be
it enacted, That the
said appointment is hereby confirmed, and that the said William Campbell
be an agent for the state, to superintend not only the collection of all
now due from the said collectors, but also of all monies which shall hereafter
due from the several collectors of the respective counties of this state
on account
of the said fund tax, and shall be allowed, as a compensation for his services,
commission of two and one half per cent. upon all monies already
paid, or hereafter
to be paid, into the treasury of the western shore, on account of the said
tax, under his agency. |
Powers of the
agent, |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said agent shall have the same power respecting
the collectors of the said fund tax, and their securities, as to fixing
the times
when payment shall be made by them, ordering or suspending process against
them, exposing their property to sale on executions, purchasing the said
when the interest of the state shall require it, and selling the sid property
so purchased, as are vested in him, with regard to other collectors, by
the said
act to which this is a supplement. |
Who may agree
with and
appoint collectors,
&c. |
IV. And,
whereas in some counties no collectors of the said fund tax have
been appointed by the commissioners, and in others those who have been
have declined to act, Be it enacted,
That it shall be lawful for the said
agent to agree with and appoint a collector of the said tax in any county
there shall be no collector appointed by the commissioners, who shall give
for the performance of his duty agreeably to law, by the first day of May
next, and the collectors so appointed by the said agent, shall give security,
to be
approved of by the said agent, for the performance of their duty respectively,
shall proceed to act in the same manner, and be liable to the same duties,
in all
respects, as if they had been appointed by the said commissioners. |
And enforce
payment, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said agent is hereby authorised and required
to enforce the payment of two and one half per cent. or of any other
sum not
exceeding the interest which may be recovered by law from any collector
the said fund tax, or his securities, on the whole principal originally
due from
such collector, where it shall appear to him that the state will otherwise
be injured, |
&c. to be discharged,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That all collectors of taxes, and their securities, shall
be discharged from the payments of any further interests than what hath
been or
shall be required of them respectively by the said agent in virtue
of the powers
vested in him by this act, or the act to which this is a supplement; and
on their |