V. And,
to prevent and detect deception and fraud in exchanging any of the
said tobacco, when received from the said warehouse to be carried to
any port for
exportation, Be it enacted, That any
person or persons who shall receive any
tobacco at said warehouse to be carried by land or water to any port or
for exportation, shall make oath or affirmation describing the number and
of the hogshead or hogsheads, that the identical tobacco, so to be carried,
be delivered at the port or landing intended, accidents from weather or
water, if
waterborne, excepted, in the same good order in which he received the same
the inspector or inspectors of said warehouse, and that the same hath
not been
altered, changed, diminished, or wilfully damaged, since the same was
from the warehouse aforesaid; and such tobacco may, at his own expence,
or the
expence of the vender if the same prove unmerchantable, be reviewed
by the
purchaser, or his order, in the manner directed by the aforesaid act for
the inspection
of tobacco at Frederick-town, in Frederick county, at the port or place
of delivery on navigable water, and not elsewhere. |
Inspectors to
be appointed
by commissioners,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the inspector or inspectors to be appointed for said
warehouse at Berlin, shall be appointed by the commissioners of the tax
for Frederick
county, or any three or more of the justices in case no commissioners be
appointed for the county aforesaid, in the same manner as is directed in
the supplement
to the act, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation of unmerchantable
tobacco, passed November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-five,
shall be subject to the same rules and regulations, and shall receive
the same reward
and fees for his or their services, as in the said act is expressed. |
Passed December
21. |
An additional supplementary act to the act, entitled, An act to
establish orphans courts in the several counties of
this state. |
Part of an act
repealed. |
II. BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That so much of the
act of assembly, entitled, An act to establish orphans courts in the several
counties of this state, and of the supplementary act thereto, as require
seven justices of the peace in some of the counties of this state, and
five justices
of the peace in the remaining counties, to be specially named and commissioned
by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, as and
for the
justices of the several orphans courts in this state, and as require and
three or more of the said justices to hold such respective courts, and
to hear and
determine the several matters and causes committed to their jurisdiction,
be and
the same is hereby repealed, any thing in the said recited acts to the
thereof notwithstanding. |
Governor to
appoint three
justices, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful
for the governor for the time being, with the advice and consent of the
and they are hereby required, to appoint and commission three judicious
and discreet
persons, of wisdom and experience, in each respective county, as and for
the justices of the orphans courts in the several counties of this state,
any two or
all of whom shall hold an orphans court in their respective county, at
the same
times and places, and in the same manner, as the several orphans courts
of this
state are now respectively holden; and the said justices, or any two of
shall have, exercise and enjoy, the same power, authority and jurisdiction,
to all
intents and purposes, and in all respects, as the same are had, exercised
and enjoyed,
by the several orphans courts of this state, under and by virtue of the
recited acts, or of any law of this state which respects such power, authority
and jurisdiction; and each of the said justices shall be entitled to receive
the sum
of fifteen shillings current money for every day he shall attend in
the execution of
his office, and such allowance shall be levied and collected in the same
manner as
other charges of the county. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
III. And be
it enacted, That if any person to be appointed and commissioned
in virtue of this act, shall die, resign, remove out of the county, refuse
to act,
or be disqualified from acting, it shall be lawful for the governor, with
the advice |