JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire Governor.
and consent of the council, to appoint and commission another person
to supply
such vacancy, and the person so commissioned, after qualifying himself
in the
manner prescribed by the said first recited act, shall have and exercise
the same
power and authority as any other justice of the orphans court. |
IV. This act to continue and remain in force
until the end of the next session
of assembly. |
Continuance. |
An ACT to continue the acts of assembly therein mentioned. |
Passed December
22. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled,
An act to ascertain the allowance to the members of the general assembly
to defray the expences of their attendance, passed April session, seventeen
hundred and eighty-seven, be and is hereby continued until the thirtieth
day of
October, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, and to the end of the
next session
of assembly that shall happen thereafter. That another act of assembly,
An act for the regulation of officers fees, passed November session,
hundred and seventy-nine, and one other act for the regulation of officers
and for other purposes passed October session, seventeen hundred and eighty,
be and they are hereby continued until the thirtieth day of October, seventeen
hundred and ninety-seven, and until the end of the next session of
assembly that
shall happen thereafter. |
Three acts
continued. |
II. And be it
enacted, That instead of the poundage fees allowed to the sheriff
by the said first mentioned act, he be allowed only at the rate of seven
and a half
per cent. for the first ten pounds in money, or one thousand pond
of tobacco, and
the rate of three per cent. for the residue, in the same species
the execution shall
issue for; and that where execution or attachment shall be made on
lands held
for years, or a greater estate, only one half of the poundage fees,
but if the estate
in the land shall not be chargeable by appraisement, and delivered to the
or by sale of the sheriff, one quarter part of the poundage fees only shall
chargeable. That another act of assembly, entitled, An act to continue
the acts
of assembly therein mentioned, passed October session, seventeen hundred
eighty, to prevent the exportation of flour, staves and shingles, not merchantable,
from the town of Baltimore, in Baltimore county, and to regulate the
weights of
hay, and the measure of grain, salt, flax-seed and firewood, within the
said town,
and to prevent the exportation of flour not merchantable from Fell's Point,
in the
said county, made at a session of assembly begun and held at the city of
on the second day of October, seventeen hundred and seventy-one, shall
and is hereby continued until the thirtieth day of October, seventeen hundred
ninety-seven, and until the end of the next session of assembly that shall
thereafter. That another act of assembly, entitled, An act to continue
an act,
entitled, An act for the relief of insolvent debtors, passed March session,
hundred and seventy-four, be and is hereby continued until the thirtieth
of October, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, and until the end of the
session of assembly that shall happen thereafter. That another act
of assembly,
entitled, An act to prevent disabled and superannuated slaves being
set free, or the
manumission of slaves by any last will and testament, and of a supplementary
thereto, and for certain other purposes, passed this session of assembly,
be and is
hereby continued until the thirtieth day of October, seventeen hundred
and ninety-seven,
and to the end of the next session of assembly that shall happen thereafter.
And that another act of assembly, entitled, An act for the more effectual
punishment of criminals, passed at a session of assembly begun and held
at the
city of Annapolis on Monday the second of November, in the year of
Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, excepting only as
to the time
of holding the court in November, which shall be on the third Tuesday instead
the second, be and is hereby continued until the first day of January,
hundred and ninety-two. |
Poundage fees
and several
act continued. |