JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
VIII. Provided
always, and be it enacted, That if the said John Beall shall,
within twenty days after the passing of this act, and after his having
received notice
thereof, give bond, and sufficient security, to the said Humphrey Belt,
Brookes, executrix of Benjamin Brookes, Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins,
and Samuel Shekell, to be approved of by the commissioners of the tax for
Prince-George's county aforesaid, to indemnify them against the securityship
aforesaid, then this law to be void and of no effect. |
Proviso. |
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act to prevent
the exportation of unmerchantable tobacco, and for establishing
a second inspection in Frederick county, at the town
of Berlin. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly
by sundry inhabitants
of those parts of Frederick and Washington counties lying between
the Kittocton and the Blue-Ridge mountains, and in the vicinity
thereof, that from their local situation they find it expensive and
to carry their tobacco to Frederick-town, where the only warehouse in
the county is established, or to George-town, in Montgomery, which is the
nearest warehouse on navigable water; and that there is a town laid out
Leonard Smith, and now improving, on the banks of the Patomack river,
between the aforesaid mountains, called and known by the name of Berlin,
conveniently situated for a warehouse, where there is a good landing and
safe harbour,
and from whence the navigation of the river is already open almost to
George-town; that boats have already been employed there, for a considerable
time, in carrying their tobacco and other produce down the river, and that
find, by experience, this mode of conveyance equally safe, and attended
much less expence than any other, and that the proprietor will erect a
at his own expence at the place aforesaid; and it appearing to this general
that the aforesaid facts are true, and that the establishing a warehouse
at Berlin
will be of great utility to the petitioners, and promote the trade trade, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners
of the tax for Frederick county, or any three or more of the justices,
case no commissioners be appointed for the county aforesaid, shall and
may, and
they are hereby authorised and required, upon application made to them
by any
person or persons, to determine, fix upon and lay out, the most proper
place in
the town of Berlin, whereon shall be built a warehouse for the reception
and inspection
of tobacco, and also to appoint an inspector or inspectors at and for the
same warehouse; provided, that the aforesaid Leonard Smith shall build
erect the same at his own expence, and that the same warehouse shall be
roomy to contain four hundred hogsheads, the said Leonard Smith furnishing
weights, scales and prizes, and all other things which shall be necessary
for the purposes aforesaid; and that the same sums of money be paid at
the said
warehouse as at other warehouses in Frederick county. |
to fix upon
a place, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the inspector or inspectors, to be appointed in
virtue of this act, shall take such oath or affirmation as is required
by the act for
an inspection of tobacco in Frederick-town, in Frederick county; and
the said
Leonard Smith shall give bond with good security to be approved by the
commissioners of the tax for his county, with condition to perform his
to build the said warehouse, and keep the same in repair, and also to provide
weights, scales, prizes, and other things necessary for the inspection
of tobacco
at said warehouse, which said bond shall be approved and recorded as is
by the act for the inspection of tobacco at Frederick-town, in Frederick
county. |
Inspector to
take an oath,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the tobacco notes to be passed for tobacco delivered
at said warehouse shall not be a payment or discharge of any tobacco debt,
unless by consent or contract of the parties to that purpose. |
Notes not to
be a payment,
&c. |