LVI. |
and the several and respective deputies, agents or receivers, of the
said John
Beall, engaged or appointed by him, or acting as such, or in any manner
in the receipt or collection of the said public taxes, under the said John
Beall, or by virtue of his authority, or in his name or otherwise,
do and shall,
at the request of, and when called upon by, the said Humphrey Belt,
Brookes, executrix of Benjamin Brooks, Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins,
and Samuel Shekell, upon their respective oaths, produce, shew, explain
to, and
lay before them, all the books, accounts, papers, memorandums, and vouchers
whatsoever, of the said agents, deputies, receivers, or others so concerned
aforesaid, and make and deliver necessary copies and extracts thereof to
the said
Humphrey Belt, Sarah Brookes, executrix of Benjamin Brookes, Richard Cramphin,
Leonard Deakins, and Samuel Shekell, for the purpose of settling and adjusting
all accounts, claims and demands, relative to the taxes aforesaid. |
On refusal,
to order payment,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That if the said John Beall shall refuse or neglect,
when called upon by the said Humphrey Belt, Sarah Brookes, executrix of
Brookes, Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins, and Samuel Shekell, to
comply with the directions of this act, the commissioners of the tax for
county be and they are hereby empowered and required, on the application
of the said Humphrey Belt, Sarah Brookes, executrix of Benjamin Brookes,
Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins, and Samuel Shekell, to order the sum
which the said John Beall is in arrear to the state as collector for
the said county,
to be paid by the said Humphrey Belt, Sarah Brookes, executrix of Benjamin
Brookes, Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins, and Samuel Shekell, either
or on a short day to be limited, and may also carry such order into
effect by their warrant directed to the sheriff of the county, to levy
the said sum
in the same manner as by fieri facias on the lands or chattels
of the said John
Beall, or to take his body in execution, as on a capias ad satisfaciendum,
in satisfaction
thereof. |
On agents,
&c. refusing,
to settle their
accounts, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That if any of the agents, deputies, collectors or receivers,
of the said John Beall, shall refuse or neglect, when called upon by the
said Humphrey Belt, Sarah Brookes, executrix of Benjamin Brookes, Richard
Cramphin, Leonard Deakins, and Samuel Shekell, to comply with the directions
of this act, the commissioners of the tax for Prince-George's county
be and they
are hereby empowered, on hearing, (or default to appear on notice,) to
adjust the
account between the late collector and any of his deputies, concerning
his receipt,
collection or neglect of duty, as deputy collector, and may order the
balance to
be paid, either immediately or by a short day to be limited, and may also
such order into effect by their warrant directed to the sheriff to levy
the sum due,
in the same manner as by fieri facias, on the lands, goods or chattels,
of the
deputy, or to take his body in execution, as on a capias ad satisfaciendum,
satisfaction thereof. |
After collecting
a sufficient
sum, the
books to be
restored, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That if after the said Humphrey Belt, Sarah Brookes,
executrix of Benjamin Brookes, Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins, and
Samuel Shekell, shall have collected a sum sufficient to discharge
and pay off the
arrearages due by the said John Beall to the state as aforesaid, exclusive
of the
commission herein after allowed them for the collection thereof, any
surplus shall
remain uncollected, the said Humphrey Belt, Sarah Brookes, executrix of
Brookes, Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins, and Samuel Shekell, shall
and they are hereby required and directed to restore and deliver up to
the said
John Beall, all the books, accounts, papers, memorandums and vouchers,
their possession relative to the same, or which may in any manner be necessary
enable the said John Beall to complete the collection of such surplus. |
allowed. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That the said Humphrey Belt, Sarah Brookes, executrix
of Benjamin Brookes, Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins, and Samuel
Shekell, are hereby allowed for their trouble and expence in making the
said collection,
the same commission upon the residue of the said taxes that he the said
John Beall was allowed. |