JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
the said Samuel Owing's bridge to Nicholas Carroll's grist-mill, and
from thence
to Chesnut Ridge, until it intersects the road at the plantation formerly
by the said Peter Bond; which said road, when laid out, shall be a
public road. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall ascertain and
value what damage such road, running through any person's land, shall
to, which shall be paid to the person so damaged by the said Nicholas
Carroll. |
Who are to
ascertain damage,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said road shall be twenty feet in width, and
shall not go through any orchard or meadow, unless with the approbation
of the
owner. |
Road to be 20
feet wide, &c. |
An ACT to establish a third inspection of tobacco in George-town,
in Montgomery county. |
Passed December
21. |
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Montgomery county
have, by their
petition, set forth to this general assembly, that the public warehouses
now established by law in George-town, in the county aforesaid, are
insufficient for the reception of the tobacco brought to said warehouses
for inspection,
especially in the present year, when it may be reasonably expected
a quantity not less than ten thousand hogsheads will be brought to
said warehouses
for inspection, a quantity far exceeding the ability of any four inspectors
to inspect
and ship off without subjecting the petitioners to great injury and
wherefore they have prayed, that an act may pass or establishing one
other inspection of tobacco at George-town aforesaid: And whereas
there is a lot
or parcel of ground conveniently situated to all the wharfs in the
said town, laid
out and set apart in the year seventeen hundred and forty-nine, with
the consent
of George Gordon, the then proprietor thereof, for the express purposes
aforesaid; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
the peace for Montgomery county, or any three or more of them, may
and they
are hereby authorised and directed, as soon as may be after the passing
this act, to
meet at the court-house in said county, and appoint two of the said
justices to
contract with workmen to erect and build good and sufficient warehouses
for the
reception and inspection of tobacco on the lot or parcel of ground
aforesaid, or
any other more conveniently situated in the said town, which said warehouses
shall be built and erected at the public expence of the said county,
and like
weights, scales, prizes, and all other things that shall be necessary
for that purpose,
shall be procured in the same manner, and other the same regulations,
is directed and required by the act, entitled, An act to regulate the
inspection of
tobacco, and there shall be paid the sum of four shillings current
money per hogshead,
by the same persons, and in the same manner, as is directed by the
recited act. |
Justices to
meet, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the justices of Montgomery county court, at
their next court for laying the county charges, shall assess and levy
on the assessable
property within the said county, a sum sufficient to defray the expence
erecting and building the said warehouses, and procuring the articles
necessary for
the same, which sum shall be collected by the collector of the county
and the said collector shall pay the same to the order of the justices
of the said
county, who shall appropriate the same to defraying the expences incurred
this act. |
And assess
money, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the inspector or inspectors appointed at the said
warehouses shall take an oath, or affirmation, as the case may be,
as in other
cases is required by the before recited act; and the person or persons
to build such warehouse, shall give bond with good security, to be
approved of
by the said justices, with condition to perform his contract in building
said warehouse,
and also providing weights, scales and prizes, and other things necessary |
Inspectors to
take an oath,
&c. |