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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 489   View pdf image (33K)
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                                LAWS of MARYLAND.

" _____, and estimated of the value of _____ current money, to be delivered
" to C. D. at _____, the premium paid, or to be paid;" and the delivery of
any goods may be may be proved by the receipt, or by the entry of the receipt of any
goods, which shall be produced on any trial, or by other legal evidence, and any
money or goods may be retained until payment of the reward or premium allowed
by this act; and no tax shall be imposed on any stage-carriage set up, kept and
employed, agreeably to this act, unless the said public road shall be made and
established by law a turnpike road.

To enter into
bond, &c.
    VIII.  And be it enacted, That the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson,
shall, on or before the first day of February next, enter into bond to the state,
before the governor and council, with good and sufficient sureties, (such as they
shall approve) in the penalty of one thousand pounds current money, with condition,
that the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson, and the survivor of
them, his or their executors, administrators or assigns, and his or their agents,
servants and drivers, respectively, will truly and faithfully do and perform all
things required of him or them by this act, during the term aforesaid; which
bond any person may sue for any breach thereof, and in case suit thereon shall be
brought, not more than one imparlance shall be allowed, unless in cases where
the court, in discretion, shall think proper to continue the same for the purpose
of bringing to issue and trial the merits thereof.
On neglect of
duty this act
to be void,
    IX.  And be it enacted, That if the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson,
or the survivor of them, or their executors, administrators or assigns, shall
refuse or wilfully neglect to perform any of the duties require of them or him by
this act, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, to the prejudice and
damage of the state, that in such case this act shall be void, and the exclusive
privilege and right granted by this act shall cease and determine, and scire facias
may issue out of the general court against the said Robert Hodgson and James
Thompson, or the survivor of them, or his or their executors, administrators and
assigns, suggesting the cause why this grant should cease and determine, and if
the facts suggested shall be found to be true, by a jury, (or the said Robert Hodgson
and James Thompson, or the survivor of them, or his or their executors, administrators
or assigns, being duly summoned, shall refuse or neglect to appear or
plead,) the court may give judgment, and thereupon this grant shall cease and
Proviso.     X.  Provided always, That nothing in this act contained, mentioned or expressed,
shall be construed to grant or give to the said Robert Hodgson and James
Thompson, or the survivor of them, or his or their executors, administrators or
assigns, any right or privilege to pass upon or through the private roads or lands
of any individual, without his consent, or to give him, or them, or any of them,
any right to the landing of Thomas Todd, or any other person at North Point

Passed December
                                            CHAP. XXIX.
An ACT for laying out a road from Samuel Owing's bridge, in
    the Garrison Forest, Baltimore county, to Nicholas Carroll's
    grist-mill, and from thence to Chesnut Ridge, until it intersects
    the road at the plantation formerly possessed by Peter Bond.
Preamble.     WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of
sundry inhabitants of Baltimore county, that they labour under great
inconvenience for want of a road from Samuel Owing's bridge, in the
Garrison Forest of said county, to Nicholas Carroll's grist-mill, and from thence
to Chesnut Ridge, until it intersects the road at the plantation formerly possessed
by Peter Bond; and it appearing reasonable to grant the petition,
    II.  Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Charles Carnan,
Nathaniel Cromwell, and Charles Walker, or any two of them, be and are
hereby appointed commissioners, and are hereby authorised to lay off a road from

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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 489   View pdf image (33K)
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