JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
III. And be it
enacted, That the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson,
and the survivor of them, their executors, administrators or assigns,
shall have a
right and privilege to run stages for the accommodation of passengers
and their
baggage, from North Point, in Baltimore county, to Baltimore-town,
by the
most convenient public roads, under the regulations herein after mentioned,
law, statute or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. |
May run from
North Point
to Baltimore. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That if any other person or persons shall set up any
stage or land-carriage for the transportation of passengers or their
baggage for hire,
on the public road from the Delaware state to Chester-town and Gresham
aforesaid, during the continuance of the term aforesaid, or receive
any hire for the
same, such person shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the
sum of ten
pounds current money. |
Penalty on
others setting
up stage-carriages,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson,
and the survivor of them, their executors, administrators or assigns,
after the first
day of February next, shall provide, and constantly keep in good order
and repair,
a sufficient number of stage-coaches, or covered stage-waggons, or
other covered
stage-carriages, for receipt, accommodation and conveyance of all passengers
who may, at any time during the said term, apply to them, or the survivor
them, their executors, administrators or assigns, or his or their agents
or servants,
for the passage from the line of Delaware, by the way of Chester-town,
to Gresham
college aforesaid, or any intermediate place, and as many good, stout,
and able horses, as may be necessary for such carriages respectively,
and shall,
unless prevented by the badness of the weather or other unavoidable
accident, perform
not less than two trips in each week, from the line of Delaware state,
the way of Chester-town, to Gresham college aforesaid, from the first
day of
May to the first day of November in each year, and in the other months
in each
year not less than one trip aforesaid in every week. |
A sufficient
number of
carriages to be
kept, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Robert
Hodgson and James Thompson, or the survivor of them, or their executors,
or assigns, or his or their agents or servants, to ask, demand and
from each passenger conveyed in ay stage-coach, at the rate of not
than seven-pence half-penny current money per mile, including the privilege
fourteen pounds of baggage to each passenger in stage-coach, and at
the rate of
six-pence current money per mile in any stage-waggon, or other stage-carriage,
with privilege for the same quantity of baggage to each passenger,
and at the rate
of not more than four-pence current money per mile for every one hundred
twelve pounds of baggage, over and above the said quantity of fourteen
and in the like proportion for any greater or less quantity, and at
the rate of not
more than three-pence current money per mile for every hundred pounds
of current
money in gold or silver, and the like proportion for any greater or
less sum;
and if the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson, or the survivor
of them,
or their executors, administrators or assigns, or his or their agents,
servants or
drivers, or any of them, shall, directly or indirectly, receive more
than the sums
aforesaid respectively allowed by this act, they the said Robert Hodgson
and James
Thompson, or the survivor of them, their executors, administrators
or assigns,
shall forfeit five pounds current money for every such offence. |
Rates allowed
for passengers,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson,
or the survivor of them, their executors, administrators or assigns,
and his or
their agents, servants or drivers of any of his or their stage-carriages,
and receiving
any baggage, or any money, goods, wares or merchandise, to be safely
kept and delivered, shall, if required, give a receipt therefor as
follows, to wit:
" On the _____ day of _____, received from _____, of _____, into my
" stage-waggon, (or stage-coach, post-chaise, or other stage-carriage,
as the case
" may be,) the sum of _____ current money, or a box, trunk, package
or bundle,
" (with the marks and numbers, if any,) of _____ weight, and said to
contain |
Receipt to be
given, &c. |