Act to remain
in force, &c. |
VI. Be it further
enacted, That the said original act, entitled, An act to establish
pilots and to regulate their fees, and this supplement thereto, shall be
remain in full force until the congress of the United States of America
shall take
cognizance of the same. |
A board appointed,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That Robert Peter, Benjamin Stoddert, John Thomas
Boucher, Ignatius Fenwick, and Richard Johns, or any three or more of them,
be and are hereby are appointed a board to examine any person who shall
desire to be
admitted a pilot, (he first producing a certificate from the court of the
where he resides of his honesty and good behaviour, and paying the said
board the
sum of thirty shillings current money, and to the register of the said
board five
shillings current money,) and if, upon public examination, the person applying
shall appear to the board of sufficient ability, skill and experience,
they shall grant
him one of three kinds of warrants of appointment or licence to be a pilot
the Capes to George-town, on Patowmack river, according to the qualification
of such person, thereby authorising such person, for one year from the
of such warrant, either to pilot vessels of any draught of water, or vessels
not exceeding
twelve feet draught of water, or vessels not exceeding nine feet draught;
and every person receiving a warrant of appointment and licence agreeably
to this
act, shall thereafter be a lawful pilot within the limits aforesaid. |
To sit at G.
town, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the said board shall set and be held at George-town,
on Patowmack river, whenever it may be necessary to do business, and
shall have, and they are hereby invested with, all powers, and subject
to all the
regulations, within the limits aforesaid, as the board appointed by an
act, entitled,
An act to establish pilots and to regulate their fees, are vested with
and subject to,
any thing contained in the said act to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Passed December
21. |
An ACT to grant to Robert Hodgson and James Thompson a
right to run stages on the roads therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson,
by their
petition to this general assembly have set forth, that they have for
some time past run stages from Philadelphia to Baltimore-town by
way of the eastern shore of this state, and have, at a very considerable
kept up the said stages; and prayed that an exclusive right might be
granted them
to run stages from the line of the Delaware state to Chester-town, and
thence to Gresham college, in Kent county, and that they might have a right
run stages from North Point to Baltimore-town; and it appearing to this
assembly, that the granting the prayer of the said petition will promote
the ease
and convenience of the inhabitants of this state, and otherwise be of great
utility; therefore, |
Exclusive privilege
to R. Hodgson
and J.
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Robert
Hodgson and James Thompson, and the survivor of them, their executors,
and assigns, shall have, possess and enjoy, the sole and exclusive
privilege and right, and such exclusive permission, privilege and right,
is hereby
given and granted to the said Robert Hodgson and James Thompson, and the
survivor of them, their executors, administrators and assigns, until the
first day
of February, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-four, to commence
on the
first day of February next, to set up, erect, carry on and drive, at all
during the term aforesaid, all and every stage-coach, post-chaise, stage-waggon,
or other stage-carriage, from the line of the Delaware state to Chester-town,
Kent county, and from thence to Gresham college, on the bay side in Kent
aforesaid, by the great public road on the eastern shore of this state,
and to
and from the intermediate stages on the said road, for the accommodation
conveyance of passengers and their baggage, for hire, as they the said
Hodgson and James Thompson, or the survivor, or their executors, administrators
or assigns, shall think proper and sufficient for the accommodation and
of all passengers who shall from time to time apply for passage, together
with their baggage, subject to the regulations herein after mentioned. |