JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
the same; and in case any proprietor or proprietors, or their guardian
or trustee,
shall conceive themselves aggrieved by the valuation of the said commissioners,
shall and may be lawful for any justice of the peace for Washington
county, on
application by any person interested, to issue his warrant, under hand
and seal,
directed to any constable of the county aforesaid, commanding him to
five freeholders, disinterested as to the said road, to appear on a
day by him to be
appointed on the land of the person making application as aforesaid;
and the said
freeholders shall respectively repair to some justice of the peace
for the said county,
and take the following oath, or affirmation, to wit: " I, A.
B. do swear, or solemnly,
" sincerely and truly, declare and affirm, that I will honestly and
" estimate and value the damages and injury sustained by C. D. by opening
" road through the land of the said C. D. in pursuance of the directions
of this
" act;" and shall return the damages by them assessed to the said justice
of the
peace, and the damages so assessed and returned shall be conclusive;
and the party
or parties in whose favour the valuation ascertained by the said commissioners,
the damages assessed by the said freeholders, shall be made, shall
be entitled to receive
the same from the said commissioners, and the sid commissioners shall
or secure to be paid, the amount of the said valuation or damages to
the respective
parties entitled to receive the same, out of the monies to be raised
and collected
from the subscriptions to the said toad, within six months after the
ascertainment of
such valuation or damages, and before they shall proceed to affect
the lands and
tenements of the person or persons concerned: Provided, that
the said road shall
not go through any house, garden, meadow or orchard, unless with the
of the owner thereof. |
XIX. |
An ACT to repeal so much of the act concerning marriages as is
therein mentioned. |
Passed December
10. |
BE it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That so much of the
act of assembly, entitled, An act concerning marriages, as prohibits
declared void marriages between persons related within the following
of affinity, to wit: A man with his wife's sister, or brother's
wife; a woman
with her husband's brother, or sister's husband; shall be and the same
is hereby
repealed and made void; and all marriages heretofore made and celebrated
by and
between persons related within the degrees of affinity before mentioned,
are hereby
confirmed and made valid in law, to every intent and purpose, from
the time of
the celebration of such marriage respectively; and all penalties, forfeitures
consequences, which may have been incurred under the said recited act,
by any
marriage within the degrees of affinity aforesaid, are hereby released
and discharged,
and the parties for ever acquitted of the same; and no penalties shall
hereafter be incurred under the said act in consequence of any marriage
within the
degrees of affinity herein before mentioned, but every such marriage
shall be good,
sufficient and valid, in law, any thing in the said recited act to
the contrary
thereof in anywise notwithstanding. |
Part of an act
repealed, &c. |
An ACT for the benefit of Essex Sherburne Ridley, a minor, so
of Matthew Ridley, deceased. |
Passed December
10. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that captain Joseph
Richardson, late of the kingdom of Great-Britain, was lost at
sea some time in the year seventeen hundred and eighty, having sundry
unimproved lots in that part of Baltimore-town called Philpot's Hill:
whereas it is doubtful whether the act for the confiscation of British
comprehended the real estate of the said Joseph Richardson, the aforesaid
Sherburne Ridley being then an infant, in France, and grand-son and
heir at law
to the said Joseph Richardson, and at this time destitute of any support;
and this
general assembly being desirous to confirm the right of the said Essex
Ridley to the said property of the said Joseph Richardson; therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That all the right,
title and interest, or this state to the lots of ground situate in
Baltimore-town, |
Right vested
in E. R. Ridley. |