them applied to the discharge of the debts aforesaid; saving and reserving
to all persons not herein named, their several and respective rights. |
Passed December
14. |
An ACT for the relief of Constant Disharoon, of Somerset county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Constant Disharoon, of Somerset county,
by his petition
sets forth, that a negro slave of his was called out under the direction
of the overseer of the road, to work thereon, and was unfortunately
killed by the fall of a tree; and prays that some compensation may be made
for the loss he has sustained; and it appearing to this general assembly
that the
prayer of the said petition is highly reasonable, |
Justices to levy
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Somerset county court have full power and authority to assess on the assessable
property in their said county, a sum of money, not exceeding fifty pounds
money, for the use of the said Constant Disharoon. |
Passed December
14. |
An ACT to open a a road from Swearingen's ferry on Patowmack
river, in Washington county, to the iron-works and mills
at the
mouth of Anti-eatem, and from thence into the main road
to Frederick-town, in Frederick county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of
sundry inhabitants of Washington county, that they find it inconvenient
and troublesome to transport the produce of their farms to market,
owing to their situation and distance from any public road; and this general
assembly thinking the prayer of the said petition reasonable, and that
it ought to
be granted, |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Good,
Thomas Cramphin, and Benoni Swearingen, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners for the purposes in this act mentioned; and the said commissioners,
or any two of them, are hereby authorised to lay off and open as aforesaid,
at the
expence of the subscribers of the said petition, a waggon road, not exceeding
feet wide, from Benoni Swearingen's ferry, on the Patowmack river, to
the iron-works and mills at the mouth of Anti-eatem, and from thence to
the main road leading to Frederick-town at or near Thomas Hogg's; and the
said road, when so laid out and opened, and cleared and completed at the
of the said subscribers, and after the valuation herein after directed
to be
made, and the damages hereby directed to be assessed shall be paid,
or secured to
the individuals concerned, shall be recorded among the records of Washington
county court, and be thereafter deemed and taken to be a public road for
and shall be kept in repair in the same manner as other public roads are
to be kept in the said county. |
Who may appoint
a treasurer,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners may appoint one of their
number as treasurer, who is hereby enjoined and empowered to collect and
all monies subscribed, or that may be subscribed, for the purpose of laying
and clearing the said road, and such subscribers are hereby directed to
pay their
several subscriptions to the treasure appointed as aforesaid; and if any
person shall
neglect or refuse to pay the sum subscribed, the said treasurer, or
any of the said
commissioners in the name of the whole, may and is hereby authorised to
sue for,
recover and receive the same; and the said monies, when received, shall
be applied
by the said commissioners, or any two of them, to the purposes of this
act. |
And ascertained
damages, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall ascertain and
value what damages may be sustained by any person or persons through whose
lands the said road may pass, by opening and clearing the same, and the
said valuation
shall be made before the said commissioners shall proceed to open and clear |