XXI. |
late the estate of Joseph Richardson, be and is hereby vested in Essex
Sherburne Ridley, and his heirs, for ever. |
Trustees appointed,
&c. |
III. And be
it further enacted, That Samuel Hughes and Daniel Bowley,
Esquires, be and are hereby appointed trustees for the said Essex Sherburne
and they, or the survivor of them, shall have full power and authority
lease out, for any term of years they, or the survivor of them, may think
under annual ground-rents, the aforesaid lots of ground left by the said
Richardson to, and for the benefit of, the said Essex Sherburne Ridley;
the rents arising therefrom to apply towards the education and support
of the said
Essex Sherburne Ridley during his minority; provided that nothing herein
shall be construed to affect the right, title or claim, of any other person
persons whatever to the said property, or any part thereof. |
Passed December
10. |
An ACT empowering the wardens of the port of Baltimore to levy
and collect the duty therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS many useful regulations have taken place
in consequence of
the powers heretofore granted to the wardens of the port of Baltimore;
and to enable them to carry the said regulations into full effect, |
Wardens to
levy money,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the wardens
of the said port of Baltimore shall have full power and authority to assess,
levy and collect, on every vessel arriving at the said port of Baltimore
from sea, a
sum of money not exceeding two cents per ton, to be appropriated and applied
the said board of wardens to carry into effect the rules and regulations
they may from time to time make, respecting the harbour and port of Baltimore. |
Parts of former
laws repealed. |
III. And be
it further enacted, That so much of the act of assembly, entitled,
An act appointing wardens for the port of Baltimore-town, in Baltimore
which empowers the said board of wardens to assess and levy a duty of one
per ton on every vessel entering or clearing at the said port; and also
so much of
another act of assembly, entitled, A supplement to the act, entitled, an
act appointing
wardens for the port of Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, which empowers
the board of wardens to assess, levy and collect, on every vessel arriving
the said port of Baltimore, except pilot boats and vessels not coming from
sea belonging
to citizens of this state, a sum of money not exceeding two-pence current
money per ton, be and are hereby repealed. |
Proviso. |
IV. Provided
always, That this act of assembly shall not operate and take
effect until the same be ratified and confirmed by an act of the congress
of the
United States. |
Passed December
21. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide for the appointment
of commissioners for the regulation and improvement
of Easton, in Talbot county, and to establish and
regulate a
market at the said town. |
may levy
certain taxes,
&c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners
of the said town shall have power and authority to assess and levy, upon
every person or persons keeping, for common use, a billiard-table within
the limits of the said town, or within two miles thereof, an annual tax
of six
pounds current money for every billiard-table so kept and used; and likewise
assess and levy an annual tax of three shillings and nine-pence current
money on
every dog, and the sum of seven shillings and six-pence current money
on every
bitch, belonging to any of the inhabitants of the said town; and the said
shall direct the said respective taxes to be collected by the bailiff of
said town from every person keeping any such billiard-table as aforesaid,
and from
the owner of such dog or bitch, and to enforce the collection thereof in
like manner |