VII. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Baltimore county court be, and they are hereby, authorised and directed
to assess
and levy on the assessable property of said county, at their next levy
court, the
sum of thirty-four pounds thirteen shillings and nine-pence current money,
interest thereon at the rate of four per centum per annum from the
ninth day of
November, in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-six, together with
the collector's
commission for collecting the same, and that they draw an order on the
collector of said county, payable to the said Nicholas Merryman, for the
said sum
of money and interest. |
Passed December
14. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to encourage the destroying
of wolves. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the inhabitants
of Frederick, Washington, and Allegany counties, labour under
a peculiar handicap, and do annually incur a heavy expence, by reason
of the citizens of the neighbouring adjacent states of Virginia and Pennsylvania
driving wolves therefrom into some one of the counties aforesaid within
state, and there killing and destroying them, thereby entitling themselves
to the
reward given by the act passed at November session, seventeen hundred and
to the great injury and oppression of the counties aforesaid; and this
general assembly thinking it just and reasonable that a law should pass
in order
to obviate and remove, as far as may be thought consistent with the public
the said grievance; |
Justice to give
a certificate,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That when and as
often as any credible free person or persons shall bring before any justices
of the
peace within either of the counties of Frederick, Washington or Allegany,
this state, the head of any wolf or wolves, and make oath (or affirmation,)
that the wolf or wolves of which he or they produce the head or heads,
were actually
caught and killed within the limits of that county in which he or they
an allowance, and within six days next before the producing the same to
justice, that then such justice shall and he is hereby authorised and directed
give such person or persons producing, a certificate for such head or heads
and proved as aforesaid, and in such certificate to mention the oath (or
taken, and therein distinguishing which or how many of the heads of
the old or young wolves; and every justice of either of the counties
who shall have any wolf's head or heads brought before him by any person
persons as aforesaid, shall be and he is hereby authorised and empowered
to judge
of the age of the said wolf or wolves of which the head or heads were brought
before him, and if such justice shall believe the age of such wolf or wolves
to exceed
six months, that then he shall distinguish the same in his certificate
by the
words old wolf or wolves; and that every justice of either of the counties
before whom any wolf's head is brought, and by whom a certificate shall
given as aforesaid, is hereby authorised and directed immediately to cause
the ears
to be cut off, and the tongue taken out of and from the head or heads of
wolf or wolves, to prevent such head or heads from being a second time
before a justice n order to obtain a certificate. |
To be allowed
at the levy
court, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That every person or persons who shall produce a certificate,
granted as aforesaid, to the justices of either of the counties aforesaid
wherein the said wolf or wolves were killed, at the levy court of said
shall, for every old wolf's head, be allowed twenty shillings current money,
no more, and for every young wolf's head ten shillings current money, and
more, to be by the said justices assessed and levied in the county levy,
with the sheriff's salary for collecting the same, and to be paid by the
sheriff to
such person or persons as shall be entitled to the same as aforesaid. |
Part of an act
repealed. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the act to which this is a supplement be and is
hereby repealed, so far as it respects the said counties of Frederick,
and Allegany. |