JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
lands lying in Queen-Anne's county, and such part of the aforesaid land
in Caroline county, as he devised to his daughters Henrietta Maria
Margaret Earle, Deborah Earle, and Susanna Earle, and his grand-son
Hindman, and to apply the monies arising therefrom to the payment of
his just
debts; that Samuel Earle, the only acting executor of the said will
and testament,
in pursuance of the said power, sold and conveyed part of the aforesaid
lands lying
in Caroline county, to a certain Abner Roe, and part thereof he sold
and contracted
to convey to a certain Thomas Hopkins, of the same county; and prayed
that this general assembly would invest him with a power to sell and
convey the
aforesaid lands lying in Queen-Anne's county, and such part of the
aforesaid lands
lying in Caroline county, as was unsold by the said Samuel Earle at
the time of
his death, and to apply the monies arising therefrom to the payment
of the just
debts of the said Richard Tilghman Earle, agreeable to his said last
will and testament,
and also to convey the aforesaid lands to the above named Thomas Hopkins,
his heirs and assigns, agreeably to the contract made between the said
Hopkins and the said Samuel Earle; and this general assembly conceive
the prayer
of the said petition reasonable. |
VI. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Richard
Tilghman Earle shall have full power and authority to convey to the
said Thomas
Hopkins, his heirs and assigns, the lands sold by the said Samuel Earle
to the
said Thomas, agreeably to the contract made between the said Samuel
Earle and
the said Thomas Hopkins, and also to sell, dispose of and convey, all
the lands,
tenements and hereditaments, which the said Richard Tilghman Earle
by his last will and testament, to be sold for the payment of his debts,
and to
apply the money arising therefrom to the payment of the debts of the
said Richard
Tilghman Earle, according to the direction of his said will. |
R. T. Earle
empowered to
convey, &c. |
III. Provided
nevertheless, and be it enacted, That before the said Richard
Tilghman Earle shall have power to act under the authority given hum
by this
act, he shall enter into bond to the state of Maryland, with security
to be approved
of by the register of wills for Queen-Anne's county, in such sum as
said register shall think reasonable, conditioned for the faithful
performance of the
trust reposed in him by this act; which bond shall be filed in the
said register's
office, and, in case of any breach thereof, shall be suable as testamentary
are by the laws of this state. |
To enter into
bond, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said Richard Tilghman Earle shall settle his
account of the monies received and expended by him in virtue of this
act, before
the orphans court of Queen-Anne's county, who are hereby empowered
to settle
and adjust the same, and to make the said Richard Tilghman Earle an
of ten per cent. on all money which he shall pay towards the
discharge of the
debts of his deceased father Richard Tilghman Earle. |
And settle his
account, &c. |
An ACT for the benefit of Nicholas Merryman, of Baltimore
county. |
Passed December
14. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of
the said Nicholas Merryman, that he was appointed one of the supervisors
for the purpose of streightening and amending the public roads
in said county, and had, of the bills of credit emitted by virtue of
the act of seventeen
hundred and seventy-four, to the amount of three hundred pounds sterling,
part of the sum loaned by the state to Baltimore county for that purpose,
in his hands; and being prevented from carrying the said work into
that he was, in or about the year seventeen hundred and seventy-six,
called upon
by the legislature to return said money into the treasury, which he
with; and in making said payment sent the money by different persons,
by reason
whereof thirty-four pounds thirteen shillings and nine-pence more than
the sum
deposited in his hands was paid into the treasury; and this general
assembly think
it just and reasonable that the said Nicholas Merryman should be refunded
said sum of money by the county aforesaid; therefore, |
Preamble. |